Love, Self-Love, Women Empowerment

11 Reasons Why We Love Amy Schumer

Amy Schumer Self Love Beauty Amy Schumer is seriously of one the most badass people I have been following right now. Not only am I beyond jealous of her humor but I think her way of sharing exactly she feels is refreshing. Amy Schumer recently just came out with a new movie called Trainwreck, a movie about dating during this century. She is a honest about how she feels and says a lot of things a lot of women are thinking out there. She was recently on The Ellen Show and it is something you don’t want to miss. I have learned a lot by watching Amy between how to stand up for what I believe in to all the ways you should feel comfortable with who you are. Check out 11 quotes to show all the reasons why we love Amy:

“Now I feel strong and beautiful. I walk proudly down the streets of Manhattan. The people I love, love me. I make the funniest people in the country laugh and they are my friends. I am a great friend and an even better sister. I have fought my way through harsh criticism and death threats for speaking my mind. I am alive, like the strong women in this room before me.”

Amy Schumer Self Love Beauty

“I say if I’m beautiful. I say if I’m strong. You will not determine my story- I will.”

Amy Schumer Self Love Beauty

“I may sound like a megaomaniac, but I feel like I’m equipped to become a great, memorable comedian, if I keep working my ass off and staying at the pace I’m as, and I feel a responsibility to do that because of the women who have done it before me, and the ones who to do it after me.”

Amy Schumer Self Love Beauty

“I will speak and share and love and I will never apologize to the frightened millions who resent that they never had it in them to do it.”

Amy Schumer Self Love Beauty

“I am now who I sleep with. I am not my weight. I am not my mother. I am myself.”

Amy Schumer Self Love Beauty

“Don’t feel bad for me. I think I’m like, so pretty.”

Amy Schumer Self Love Beauty

“I am a hot-blooded fighter and I am fearless.”

Amy Schumer Self Love Beauty

“I get labeled a sex comic. But if a guy got on stage and pulled his dick out, everybody would says ‘he’s a think.'”

Amy Schumer Self Love Beauty

“The moments that make life worth living are when things are at their worst and you find a way to laugh.”

Amy Schumer Self Love Beauty

“When someone makes jokes about me being heavy, it makes me mad. It’s not true. I’m right where I should be.”

Amy Schumer Self Love Beauty

“I am a woman with thoughts and questions and shit to say.”

Amy Schumer Self Love Beauty