Women Empowerment

17 Inspirational Quotes To Start Out 2017

Get inspired to make 2017 amazing!

2016 is coming to a close and 2017 is nearly upon us! I’m so excited to see what amazing things the new year will bring. Here’s a collection of some of my favorite inspirational quotes to help make 2017 the best year yet:

1. “Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.” – Brené Brown

I read Brene’s book “The Gifts of Imperfection” this past year, and it was full of insight and advice. I recently picked up another one of her books “Daring Greatly” and I can’t wait to read it! Brene is an excellent, thoughtful writer, and I definitely suggest picking up one of her books sometime.

2. “You alone are the judge of your worth, and your goal is to discover infinite worth in yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks.” – Deepak Chopra

3. “I’m here to tell you that none of us have it all figured out; we are forever works in progress. The moments of brilliance in your life will always be balanced by moments of vulnerability, insecurity, and doubt. The sooner you get around to being okay with that, the happier your life will be.” – Alexis Jones

Alexis is the founder of I AM THAT GIRL, which is a non-profit organization centered around helping girls love, express, and be exactly who they are. I’m an I AM THAT GIRL Local Chapter Leader, so I definitely have a special connection and love for Alexis’ writing! She is changing the world and helping to make it a better place for everyone through I AM THAT GIRL and her other organization, ProtectHer.

4. “The dark does not destroy the light; it defines it. It’s our fear of the dark that casts our joy into the shadows.” – Brené Brown

5. “We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell

I know I’m definitely the type of person who gets very caught up in planning and scheduling everything, and I get very frustrated when things don’t run according to my plan. However, sometimes some of the best things that happen in life are a product of spontaneity!

6. “When you shine the brightest, you make the world and those around you better.” – Alexis Jones

7. “Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” – Jim Rohn

Oftentimes, we get caught up in the craziness of our schedules and lives and forget to focus on our happiness. Happiness is something to work on now, not to just leave for the future!

8. “I’m beginning to recognize that real happiness isn’t something large and looming on the horizon ahead, but something small, numerous and already here. The smile of someone you love. A decent breakfast. The warm sunset. Your little everyday joys all lined up in a row.” – Beau Christopher Taplin

9. “Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope.” – Bradley Whitford

I definitely agree that if we want our lives to be full of achievement and joy, we have to create it for ourselves! We need to act to make the things we want to happen happen because just sitting back won’t help us accomplish our dreams.

10. “No soul that aspires can ever fail to rise; no heart that loves can ever be abandoned. Difficulties exist only that in overcoming them we may grow strong, and they who have suffered are able to save.” – Annie Besant

11. “Watch the sunrise at least once a year, put a lot of marshmallows in your hot chocolate, lie on your back and look at the stars, never buy a coffee table you can’t put your feet on, never pass up a chance to jump on a trampoline, don’t overlook life’s small joys while searching for the big ones.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

As soon as I read this quote, I loved it! Life is too short to forget about the small joys. Find the little things you love, and do them often.

12. “The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

13. “Infinitely more important than sharing one’s material wealth is sharing the wealth of ourselves—our time and energy, our passion and commitment, and, above all, our love.” – William E Simon

In my 19 years of life, one thing I’ve learned for sure is that the gift of presence is the most precious thing anyone can ever give! Sure, material things are nice, but presence is so much more special.

14. “If you don’t know the guy on the other side of the world, love him anyway because he’s just like you. He has the same dreams, the same hopes and fears. It’s one world, pal. We’re all neighbors.” – Frank Sinatra

15. “Our similarities bring us to a common ground; our differences allow us to be fascinated by each other.” – Tom Robbins

I find diversity and differences between people absolutely beautiful. I love learning about different cultures and traditions, and love sharing mine with others. If we were all the same and followed the same way of life, this world would be awfully boring! So, lets all learn to love and embrace our differences instead of shaming others for them.

16. “One must care about a world one will not see. – Bertrand Russell

17. “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You!” – Dr. Seuss

We are all children at heart and I think there’s definitely a thing or two that we can learn from Dr. Seuss. We are all ourselves, and that’s a pretty amazing thing because there is no one else who is just like us!

I hope these quotes inspire you as much as they’ve inspired me and that 2017 is an amazing year for us all!

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