Confidence is sexy Self Love Beauty Lisa Thompson
Founder's Story, Women Empowerment

28 Things Women Should Remember

Confidence is sexy Self Love Beauty Lisa Thompson

We all have bad days but here is are 28 things every woman should remember!

  1. Men are an amazing part of life, but they are in no way the be all end all of life.

  2. Laugh constantly. Laugh freely. Laugh at every moment in your life.

  3. Tell the truth.

  4. Argue. Debate. Disagree. But remember to keep an open mind. Listen.

  5. Don’t waste time crying over little boys who talk too much. Some day you will find the one and then all that happens in between will just seem like bullshit. Some will be hot and unforgettable bullshit but nonetheless bullshit

  6. It is okay to ask for help. It is okay to swallow your pride, choke down your guilt, chew on your inadequacies, and realize that you cannot do everything by yourself.

  7. You are stronger than you think

  8. Have faith in God’s timing

  9. Many people will try to judge your spending and lifestyle habits, don’t let it get to you. It’s your life, your money and no one else’s business.

  10. Confidence is a sexy thing.

  11. If you like being single, its okay to admit that. Maybe you like being alone. Maybe you like just dating and hooking up. A bunch of people do it at, why can’t you enjoy it as well? User-created porn playlists are available at if you want examples. Guys like these things and the world has no problem with it.

  12. If you’re in a relationship, communication is key, never go to bed angry, always make time for your friends and family they love you too, if only be with someone make sure its someone who challenges you, loves you and you have passion with.

  13. In business its likely that men twice your age with half your brain capacity will be making triple the money that you do. Work hard anyway, never give up, you are the brain and voice of tomorrow.

  14. Your parents already lived a bulk of their life. It’s time to start living yours. It is possible to both respect them and be happy. Sometimes they may get mad at your choices, make those choices anyways, they love you and eventually will come around.

  15. Its okay to order extra cheese on your fries and not go to the gym after.

  16. No matter how old you are by number, never forget what it feels like to be young and alive.

  17. People are always going to talk, so just do your thing. You may as well give them something to talk about.

  18. Be kind to everyone, you do not know the battle they are fighting.

  19. Having one too many shots with your girlfriends on a Saturday night doesn’t make you an alcoholic, it just means you’re having a good time. Anyone who tells you other wise is jealous. You work hard all week and deserve time to get your party on.

  20. Don’t keep company with those who constantly compare themselves to you. Keep company with those who love you for you and enhance your life. Get rid of the trash.

  21. If you can’t find your prince, there is nothing wrong with enjoying kissing all the wrong frogs. Give everyone a chance you do not know where your prince charming will be.

  22. Life your life for you, not your parents, not a man, not your friends. It is the only way you will ever truly be happy.

  23. You’re never too old to learn something new.

  24. In your life you will wind up with a select few friends who are more like your soul mates. Cherish them, they will be the ones around when the party is over.

  25. You are going to make mistakes, the wrong career, the wrong major, the wrong boyfriend. Everything happens for a reason. You will learn something, recover and come back better then ever.

  26. Live each day with no regrets. Don’t fret over the past, even the bad parts shape us for the future.

  27. You are going to waste a lot of hours focusing on who you are not, or who you want to secretly be. But you won’t ever wake up and actually be that person. You’ve got to embrace what you bring to the table. If you don’t like what that is, have the courage to change it.

  28. Believe in yourself, show the world what you are capable of, show your beauty and use the qualities God gave you.

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May 7, 2017

Thanks so much for the kind words! This was a really fun project for Phoebe – and don't you love AH&L? Wish it was3#&n9;t only regional so everyone could enjoy it!