Love, Self-Love, Women Empowerment

5 Tips to Achieve Your Resolution This Year

I make a resolution every year without fail. My goals vary depending on how well I think I did last year. For example, one year my resolution was to do more exercise which I did really well so the next year I made a resolution to do a marathon. Last year I set the goal of saving more money and I think I did a good job which is why this year I want to get into online trading uk. I think I am quite good at keeping my resolutions but I know a lot of people struggle.

It’s the time of year again when attendance at gyms goes through the roof, Facebook is plastered with ‘New Year, New Me’ variations and the feeling that this is finally your year lingers in the air.

…but how do you make this year your betch though?

It’s actually quite easy but we have a habit of making things harder on ourselves then they need be.Most years we start out with great intentions and by February have forgotten that we even celebrated the new year less than a month ago. It doesn’t have to be like every other year though. You have the power within you to be whoever you want, do whatever you wish to accomplish and completely change your outlook on life.

If you didn’t make it too far into 2016 without giving up on your resolutions, check out these super easy tips to help you out this year!

1. Be Real With Yourself

It usually doesn’t take long to pinpoint a few areas of your life you would like to see some improvements develop. Keep in mind though, can you really lose 30 lbs in two weeks? No, you cannot. Is the next person you go on a date with going to be the love of your life? Maybe not. Keep your resolution real and reasonable to achieve.

2. Write. It. Down.

If you have that good of a memory that you can remember your resolutions, good for you! You’re super-human! Writing things down tend to make them more real to the writer. Penning out your resolution also gives you to opportunity to cross out that item once you have achieved that goal you set for yourself.

3. Make A Damn Plan!

Along with writing down your resolutions create a plan that will lead you to your final destination. You can keep it as simple or complex as you wish. These are your goals and your plans, hold yourself accountable this year.

4.Read Your Resolutions Daily

…or as often as you can because it works people! Turn working towards your resolution into a habit this year, not something you forget about because let’s be honest; out of sight, out of mind is a real thing.

5. Just Do It.

If you want to make this year yours, DO IT! The only thing between you and a new you, is you. Wonderful you and you can become more wonderful. Work hard and hold yourself accountable for your actions.

Buy that house!

Run that marathon!

Save for that vacation!

It’s a new year! And if 2016 taught us anything this past year is that anything can happen. So go out there and make 2017 your betch.

Check out more of Madalyn’s articles on The Odyssey Online Self Love Beauty community.

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