Women Empowerment

Be The Voice For #LikeAGirl



Sunday as millions watched the Super Bowl or in other words, watched the commercials, one commercial caught the eye of many people. The Always #LikeAGirl commercial was one of the ground breaking ads. Yes, Always, one of the biggest makers of feminine care products. They showcased a 60-second spot during the game. The ad has been seen before by many showing the difference in how young women, men, boys and young girls perceive what the phrase “like a girl” means in the aspects in how what is mean to run, throw or any activity pertaining to being a girl. In the commercial, the director first asks a boy, three women, and a man to run, fight, and throw like a girl. They respond by doing those things in a mocking and ridiculous manner. Then the director brings in young girls to do those things, and the girls show who is actually being ridiculous.

If you were watching the game, you probably noticed the amount of commercials that were being advertised to men. But this one in particular, again a feminine care product company stole the show. Our perception of the phrase “like a girl” needs to change to make it okay to be like a girl; to uplift girls’ confidence. This was such a strong message that the Always team that it was important to take it even further to make it to the Super Bowl. They helped to set the stage to have a wide audience join to be champions for girls’ confidence and change this meaning into something positive.

like a girl 2As much as this ad set the stage for ‘Like A Girl” many people have to remember to be champions in their own hometown. Karlie Harman is just one example of the heroes to girls in their own hometowns. Karlie is a 15-year old quarterback and guess what? She throws like a girl. Karlie’s story is just one of many that should be shared. I do not know about you but I definitely give this girl props, not only is she playing the sport she loves, she is a key player and someone many of the boys on her team have to rely on. Harman is a great reminder to young women that “Like A Girl” is an awesome thing.

Shortly after the ad aired, #LikeAGirl began trending on social media, with runners of all abilities chiming in with their own powerful messages.

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So if you feel inspired to help make the change and show girls it is okay to be #likeagirl, share your stories on twitter! Tweet to our handle @selflovebeauty with the hashtag #LikeAGirl and tell us about your own experiences!  If you do not have a Twitter but want to be part of this change, share your story on Facebook and tag us at @SelfLoveBeauty or tag us on Instagram!

