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Navigating Identity Crisis: Rediscovering Our True Selves

In this episode, “Navigating Identity Crisis: Rediscovering Our True Selves,” our host, Lisa Thompson goes solo sharing her profound journey of self-discovery amidst times of inner turmoil. She shares her story of recently, what she did about it and her true belief in having a coach along the journey with you. Life’s twists and turns can often lead us to moments of uncertainty, where our sense of self seems lost or blurred.

Continue to read on for the key points from today’s episode!

Recognizing the Crisis: When Change Hits You

I never imagined that I’d be facing such major life changes without even realizing it. Confidence has always been a core strength of mine, yet as I transition into new roles, I’ve found myself struggling with uncertainty. This is where the identity crisis began—when my well-known roles and achievements started to feel less certain, and I was left wondering, “What’s next for me?”

For anyone listening, you might be asking the same question: “Am I going through an identity crisis?” My crisis was born from personal and professional changes, but everyone’s journey is unique.

Life in Corporate and Leaving for Nonprofit Work

My first big identity shift came when I left my corporate job to run my nonprofit, Self Love Beauty. After working in corporate America for eight years, I decided to take a leap of faith and follow my passion. I’ll never forget sitting at my kitchen table, overwhelmed with emotion, questioning whether I made the right decision.

There were moments of doubt and fear, but two key conversations helped me through. A colleague reminded me that I was going through an identity shift, not a failure, and a close friend assured me that I wasn’t alone in this journey. These moments gave me strength to continue, even when the path ahead felt uncertain.

The Growth of My Nonprofit: Evolving Leadership

As Self Love Beauty grew, so did my leadership role. However, with growth came another identity shift. Recently, we hired a new team member, which was both exciting and anxiety-inducing. I had to relinquish control over tasks that I had always been known for.

This shift made me realize that as a leader, part of my identity must evolve to allow others to step into their power. Letting go wasn’t easy, but it was essential for the growth of my nonprofit and for my personal development.

Personal Life Transitions: Preparing for Marriage and New Identities

On a personal note, I’m preparing for another major life change: marriage. As I get ready to take my fiancé’s last name, I’m navigating the emotional layers that come with changing my identity. No one ever tells you about the emotional complexity of these moments—the change in names, roles, and relationships.

While I’m overjoyed to marry the love of my life, this transition brings a bittersweet reflection on how my identity is shifting. I’m no longer just Lisa Thompson. I’m stepping into a new chapter as someone’s wife, with new responsibilities and roles.

Final Thoughts
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