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The Secret to Truly Taking Charge of Your Life

Imagine the transformation that happens when we stop letting fear control us and start making empowered choices for ourselves. That’s exactly what we’re going to explore this week! We’re joined with Award Winning Teen Mental Health Speaker, Brittany Richmond, who shares her wealth of knowledge on how to overcome personal challenges and take control of your life.

 Continue to read on for the key points of this conversation with Brittany!

Meet Guest, Brittany Richmond

Lisa: Welcome to The Confident Podcast! Today, I’m speaking with the amazing Brittany Richmond, a dynamic mental health expert dedicated to ending the stigma around mental health. She also wrote the book Lies My Anxiety Has Told Me, which she shares more about in this episode. Brittany is full of wisdom, and I know you’ll walk away with powerful tools to apply in your own life. So let’s dive in! Welcome, Brittany!

Brittany: Thank you so much for having me! I’m really happy to be here.

Lisa: We’re thrilled to have you. Let’s start by having you share a little bit about your journey. What led you to your focus on encouraging people to take control of their lives, regardless of their age?

Brittany: Absolutely. My journey started with my own struggles as a teenager. I’ve had anxiety, and that’s what eventually led me into the field of counseling and psychology. One thing I emphasize is taking ownership and accountability for your mental and emotional health. It’s important to recognize that mental health struggles can affect anyone, at any age, whether it’s from trauma, grief, or just life’s challenges. Taking control means understanding what you need to stay well, and I’m all about being proactive instead of reactive.

The Importance of Proactive Mental Health Care

Lisa: I love what you said about being proactive. So often, people wait until they’re burnt out or their anxiety has taken over before they act. Why do you think it’s so hard for people to be proactive about mental health?

Brittany: It’s tough because people often convince themselves they’re “fine.” But “I’m fine” is something I no longer accept from anyone. We say it as a defense mechanism, but it prevents us from addressing what’s really going on. When people are struggling emotionally, they often feel alone or think their problems aren’t important enough to share. It’s a lie we tell ourselves when we’re struggling, and it isolates us. But once we talk about how we’re feeling, those struggles lose their power over us.

Lisa: That’s such a powerful point. It’s true, we can’t deal with something we don’t talk about.

Brittany: Exactly. And that’s why I challenge people to push back on “I’m fine” and ask them to “tell me more.” Those three words—tell me more—are non-intrusive and create space for someone to open up. It shows that you care, and it helps people feel heard.

How to Break Through Surface-Level Conversations

Lisa: I love that approach. So what do we do when we ask someone how they’re doing, but don’t really have the time to dive deeper? What’s the best way to handle that moment?

Brittany: Great question. If you truly don’t have time, be honest about it, but offer to come back to the conversation. You could say, “I’m here for you—let’s find a time to talk.” Or you could be honest about your own state and say, “I’m not great right now, but I will be.” That type of transparency helps create space for real conversation.

Developing Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Lisa: You touched on something earlier about instant gratification and unhealthy coping mechanisms. How do you help people break away from seeking that immediate relief?

Brittany: It’s about building healthier habits and realizing that instant gratification doesn’t bring lasting peace. I always emphasize long-term coping strategies over quick fixes. When we rely on things like social media validation or unhealthy behaviors, we’re looking for short-term relief. True mental and emotional wellness comes from consistency and developing practices that keep us grounded over time.

Lisa: That’s so true. I’ve seen that in my own journey too. Long-term wellness is built through the small, consistent steps we take every day.

Final Thoughts

Lisa: Brittany, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom today. You’ve given us so many practical tools, from taking ownership of our mental health to the importance of proactive care. And, of course, the magic of “tell me more.” For everyone listening, remember, you’re not alone in your mental health journey. Let’s break the stigma and continue the conversation. If you want more support or one-on-one coaching, reach out to me on Instagram at LisaTarkingtonOfficial.

Brittany: Thank you for having me. This was a wonderful conversation, and I hope everyone leaves feeling empowered to take control of their mental health.

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