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Tired of ‘Faking’ Confidence? Here’s How to Feel It For Real with Mallory Campbell

This episode is full of talking about confidence, but also about listening to our intuition, understanding our bodies, and diving into learning about how we choose ourselves. Join me and Mallory Campbell, Trauma Informed Master Coach, as we discuss how to embody true empowerment from the inside out and feel truly confident.

 Continue to read on for the key points of this conversation with Mallory!

Meet Guest, Mallory Campbell

Lisa: Let’s get right into this episode. Well, welcome Mallory to the confident podcast. We are so excited to be chatting with you today. 

Mallory: Yes, I’m so excited to be here. Thanks for having me.

Lisa: It’s going to be great. And I’m really excited to not only hear a couple of things that you do in your business, but before we do that, like, I just need to know the person behind the screen.  And I think the audience needs to hear it too. So can you share a little bit about your journey of where, where, where have you been and how you got to where you’re at right now?

Mallory: I went to school for personal training, not really knowing what I wanted to do. And this was in like 2009. It was a long time ago. And it was kind of random. But when I look back at the progression of how I got to where I am, those kinds of decisions have gotten me really far before I even really knew what I was doing. And I’m like, I’m just going to go all in.  I was teaching six days a week, teaching three classes a day. It was, it was quite intense, but it’s a huge part of my life. I grew up dancing, very athletic. I‘ve always had that entrepreneurial feel. So I really didn’t know anything else. I wasn’t cut out for a nine to five job. I think I had two “real jobs” for like two days. And I’m like, this ain’t for me. Like I worked at a Baskin Robbins for five minutes. I’m like, I’m not coming back. It was like 16 years old.

I started a podcast with my husband and I’m like, okay, let me test this out. So I started a group coaching program, not really knowing what I was doing. I just kind of created this program back in 2020, threw it out there. And luckily I already had a pretty large community of women from my fitness studio, from network marketing, from all these different areas of life. I’m like, this is what I’m doing. We’re going all in. Do you want to come with me? And they’re like, yeah, let’s do it.

We started talking about mindset and personal development things a little bit on limiting beliefs and core values. And I’m like, whoa, this is a part that so many women and people as a whole, not just women, men and women, both, we were missing that element. And I’ll speak for myself and also the women and people that I’ve worked with as well. But then I was like, okay, I think we’re onto something. 

I started creating these groups. It was a 12 week program. My first group had 12 women and we went through 12 weeks together. And it was probably one of the most transformational programs that I’ve ever done. Cause I was also doing it right along with them. I’m like, okay, let’s, we’re going to figure this out and we’re going to put all these tools into place.

And that’s really what started my coaching business. We were just scratching the surface. And that’s when I decided to get a certification to become a master trauma informed coach. So now I work with a lot of people bringing the mindset tools together, but now bringing the body in as well. So now we’re working within the body with our nervous system, rewiring parts of ourselves, figuring out where that energy is stuck in because now we have the mindset. And now I bring it together with retreats and workshops and different groups and events. And that’s really where I see the biggest transformation is when women come into either my workshop space, or they come on my five-day retreats where we bring in all of the elements of the nervous system, the breath work, the energy work, the energy healing, but we also have a lot of fun because that’s a big piece for a lot of women is that we felt like we’re too much growing up.

We’ve had these beliefs that have been wired deeply into our subconscious rooted into our bodies that if we take up too much space and too loud, and we can’t do this, we were told to be quiet. And now this is really our space platform and an experience to be able to bring all of those things in and embody the work. And then we come out of that just a different, higher version of ourselves.

Alignment Within Ourselves

Mallory: And it’s always an inside job, right? And it can be complimented with the external too. If we’re really going layers and layers deeper, because there are usually blocks or things that come up that are rooted a little bit deeper, are limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging patterns. Kind of like we were just talking about, but it really comes down to getting to the root and when your body feels safe enough to do that, and we can’t always force it. I’m sure many people listening, we’ve tried to force something and we’re like, it’s just not time yet.

So really finding the safety within is a huge thing for so many of us. And I’ll speak for myself that I was always safe, but there’s parts emotionally that we’re just like, I’m not safe to express a lot of the things that are coming up for me right now, because I don’t know how it’s going to be received. I don’t know what the expectations are. People expect me to be this way, not this way. So it really is about going a couple layers deeper when it’s presented in a way that feels good.

But really, really allowing yourself the safety and the space to go a layer deeper. And when we get activated in these things, catch it, and then be able to sit with yourself and give yourself what you need. Finding safe ways to express yourself is a big confidence booster as well, because a lot of the things that come up for us, they’re rooted in deeper beliefs of I’m not enough. I’m not worthy enough. I can’t handle this situation. And those aren’t even conscious thoughts for a lot of us. They’re subconscious, you know? 

So really having that combination of working with the external and bringing in the internal to be able to speak your truth and find the alignment. So many people are chasing alignment. Really allowing yourself to be able to be fully expressed and have that direct line of communication with yourself is like, I didn’t know it could feel this good to do this confident. There’s also the parts of doing what you say you’re going to do. That’s a huge confident booster.

And that’s something you can do now. Like you were talking about, you set out two hours aside to do this one task and you’re like, I did everything but the task. And it’s like, if you were to just do the task, if you have the energy to do it, reflect on how you feel after that. And you’re like, oh my gosh, I feel so much better. I did that. Even if it was the simplest of tasks, right? You can check it off your list and you’re like, I did the thing that I said I was going to do. What else can I do? And it just kind of opens up this whole new way of thinking and seeing things and expressing yourself.

Lisa: Totally. And you said like the biggest thing, like there’s a couple of takeaways that I have that I want to reflect on is you said the alignment piece. And like, I will tell anybody to find that alignment. It’s not always easy. Like it wasn’t for me, I’m still working on it. 

And I think the other piece that really comes from that is the, when you finally get there, you kind of start to channel in like, I need to make this change in order for me to be more aligned. I have to make this change. But like some days I’m like, yeah, I wish I could just have a moment where like, but I can feel when I’m not being aligned. And so the hardest part is with that is you have to change sometimes your life, um, which is a beautiful thing, but the process is really difficult. 

And I think that like, as you’re even doing that with the confidence pieces, you’re like, okay, I feel this coming up. I have to do something about it. I have to align to this. That’s going to be the game changer for me, but dang, is that hard.

Mallory: It is so many moving pieces, right? Cause now it’s not always just about you. It’s about the people in your life. Other people, are they going to be affected by this? And it’s like, sometimes you have to have difficult conversations with people that don’t see the vision and you’re feeling yourself being weighed down and just energetically drained, your energy is leaking all over the place or people’s energy is leaking all over you. That is some of the more challenging dynamic parts. 

There’s so many little like micro movements there, but overall, usually we know, especially as women, our intuition is out of this world. If we can start to clear away some of the noise and the clutter that’s been blocking it for a really long time.

Focusing On Your Nervous System

Lisa: I want to dive into one of the things that you said that you’re really focused on right now, which is the nervous system. And I find it fascinating because, again, a lot of this, a lot of the tools that we all need is how our mindset is and our self-awareness, good communication, and just honestly having fun with life. And you brought up women, women hold things on their shoulders. And it’s actually funny.

I was just having this conversation with my husband the other day, because I said like, this is how I’m feeling. And he’s like, well, sometimes I feel that way too. And I was like, well, why don’t you say anything? And he goes, yeah, well, I’m an introvert. And I talk it out 20 times before it makes sense. He goes, I am a processor inside. So I think like he also has it on his shoulder sometimes, but how he handles it is different. And I think it messes with our, both of our nervous systems.

So walk us through that process a little bit for someone to like figure out where is that blockage? And then what do you do? 

Mallory: It’s all of our nervous systems and how we react and respond to certain situations about creating safety in our bodies.

I’ll use this as an example. Sometimes you get a text message on your phone. You’re like: I don’t know what to do. Your hands start sweating. You get all tense. You feel the anxiety start to come on. That’s just your nervous system having a reaction. It doesn’t know what to do or process. 

So at that moment, whatever your coping mechanism was, that’s probably what you’ve been doing for 20, 30, 40 years of your life. It just might look a little bit different, whether it was avoiding numbing, having a panic attack – Whatever it was that worked to get you through it. And we’re just still now as adults learning how to reparent ourselves. If you’re in the realm of nervous system, mindset work, all of the things we’re learning how to reparent ourselves, giving us the things that we may not have access to, or things that the people who raised us didn’t know either. 

You got feelings, figure out your feelings. And when we can learn, and there’s so many different tools. Like when I work with clients, I have a three page list of different regulation techniques, depending on what situation comes up, try five of these on for size, see what feels good. And most of them are so basic that we forget about them because in this world, everything is complicated and over the top instant gratification, right? We want things now. We want Amazon delivery in two hours to our house. That’s the kind of society that we’re living in.

When we come back to our nervous system, these bodies have been designed for thousands of years. We have not caught up to this level of technology and how quick our society is moving. So we have to remember, we have ancient technology in here and we’re dealing with like state-of-the-art technology out here.

So it comes back to the basics of what our body needs and how we move energy through our body and process and release is breath, sound, and movement. That’s it. Like breath, sound, movement, breathing with your mouth, making sounds to release in some form of movement, right? This is all going to start to release energy and move it through our bodies to create space. So what we’re doing is just trying to create more internal space. Many women, we feel like we’re up to our eyeballs with overwhelm, anxiety, all these things, stress. It’s like, if one more thing comes my way, I’m going to snap. And it’s like, well, yeah, no wonder, because we have no more space left in our body to be able to hold anything and to kind of go off just on a tangent in a different direction for a second. If you’re somebody and myself included, who’s trying to call on this next version of yourself, all of these opportunities, you’re trying to manifest all these things. And it just feels like things are bouncing off of you. You don’t have the space to hold it. There’s no room for it to go.

I’m just finding some breath sound and movement practices, even just like a deep inhale, filling your belly up with air, open mouth, like that can regulate your system in a matter of seconds to be able then to make a different choice in the moment. And it’s so powerful.

Final Thoughts

Lisa: I have so many thoughts, but to close out today I’d love to just hear from you. What is the one thing that people should be taking away from today? If you could leave them with one thing.

Mallory:  I love questions like this and I kind of touched on it before, but getting in the practice of asking yourself what you need is one of the most underrated things that we just, we don’t get in the practice often because it’s unfamiliar, especially for women. And if you need something, can you ask for it and be able to really receive it? And that will start to elevate your frequency of like, oh my gosh, I am able to receive imagine what else I can do with extra support coming into my life. Like, you’re going to start getting in touch more with your higher self, different versions of you. You’re going to be able to feel fully expressed when you can ask yourself what you need and then be able to deliver for yourself.

Lisa: Well, Mallory, it was so great to chat.Literally cannot wait to hear how everybody takes all of these tools and just appreciate your energy and what you bring to the table to help people. Thank you so much for being on The Confident Podcast. 

Mallory: Thank you so much for having me.

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Guest, Mallory Campbell's Info to Connect

    • Connect with Mallory on Instagram
    • Visit Mallory’s Retreat Website
    • Check out Mallory’s Podcast: Permission To Activate (Spotify & Apple)