Love, Self-Love, Women Empowerment

10 Ways Dove is Changing the Game and Putting Body Shaming To An End


Written by Contributor writer Meghan Ervine

Most people know Dove as a successful company that sells beauty products like soap, deodorant, and other body and hair products. But what most people don’t know is that the reason behind some of Dove’s biggest success is the campaigns they launch to empower women and their real beauty.

The lastest Dove Campaign #SpeakBeautiful is no exception. With this movement, Dove is encouraging and helping women do just that, speak beautiful truths about themselves and others on social media. It’s a movement sweeping the nation and stopping the negative beauty/body image tweets, including the 5.3 million negative tweets sent out by women last year. Here are 10 ways Dove is changing the game and putting body shaming to an end, one tweet at a time

1. Encouraging women that their voice has power.

Dove is showing women everywhere that the power of change is in their hands and in their voices. All they need to do is have the courage to speak up and #SpeakBeautiful. One positive tweet in a sea of negative tweets can make all the difference! It can be the simple change women need to boost their self-esteem and feel empowered!

2. Shedding light on the impact social media has on our lives.

Whether we want to admit it or not, most people go to social media to receive validation. We all desire to find acceptance and identity on social media. It’s a quick and easy way to find validation and worth through how many instagram likes or twitter followers we have. If you’re looking to get more instagram followers for free and you’re doing this for business reasons or for yourself, that’s completely different than wanting to find validation from others. We get totally wrapped up and absorbed in it. Women think they need to be heard on social media to be heard at all. Dove is showing how much our words have power, especially on social media.

3. Making women aware of the negativity on social media.

Dove has reported that there were 5.3 million negative tweets sent out by women in 2014. Dove knows we can’t just ignore the despair on social media and act like it’s okay or normal for women to be putting themselves or others down on a regular basis like this. And although this statistic is quite devastating, making women aware of this problem can be the first true step to change.

4. Using social media to boost women’s self-esteem.

Social media has a huge effect on our lives. And it can often be a place of comparison and negativity. It’s so easy to see what everyone else has and even easier to see women being hard on themselves. It is a platform that often causes feelings of insecurity and jealousy. But Dove is changing that view by simply asking women to be kind to themselves and others on social media. They are challenging women to make to do things like post a selfie smiling or describing something they love about their body on social media. Either way, they are turning social media from a platform of hate and negativity to a platform of love and real beauty. Hopefully, this encourages more body-positive social media accounts to rise on platforms like Instagram and YouTube. It’s important that these people have their voices heard to have a positive impact on those that may be insecure. As with any social media account, they can always head over to to see how to give a boost to their YouTube channel, for example, but we must equally rely on women’s positivity to allow these accounts to be heard.

5. Inspiring women to lift each other up.

Not only does Dove want women to empower themselves, but for all women to empower each other. What a difference it can make when women are uplifting and encouraging one another, especially on social media! It is a truly powerful and beautiful thing when women are encouraging one another to embrace their real and unique beauty!

6. Encouraging women to take care of themselves.

Dove is all about taking good care of yourself and having a good skincare/body regimen (perhaps involving Aspect Dr or other skincare products) in order to make your body feel clean and in turn, feel good about yourself. Because once you feel great on the outside, you’ll feel beautiful and great on the inside. And when you feel beautiful and clean on the outside AND inside, you feel like you can take on the world! It’s just another way Dove wants women to love themselves.

7. Helping women embrace their curls.

For those of us with curly hair, it can be kind of rough. Our hair is hard to manage. And if we’re honest we often wish we had straight, silky hair that’s easier to tame. But Dove wants us to embrace our curly and sometimes messy, hair! It’s beautiful and it’s unique! So remember all of my curly-haired women, love your curls, because they make you, you!

8. Encouraging women to really love themselves and see how truly beautiful they are.

Above all else, Dove believes in women really loving themselves first! And there are many ways to do this, whether you make a list of attributes you love about yourself, having a shoot with someone like these New Orleans boudoir photographers to help you feel empowered, or just doing the everyday activities you enjoy! By acknowledging beautiful and unique qualities about yourself or getting lost in something your passionate about, you can truly feel amazing and you begin to feel gratitude for what you do have. And once you can love yourself well, you can love others well because when you see the beauty in yourself, you can really see the beauty in others. And that makes all the difference.

9. Empowering the younger generation of women and girls everywhere.

Not only is this beauty campaign uplifting and encouraging to older women, but younger girls are being impacted as well. Social media is influencing younger and younger generations of girls everywhere. Therefore, the #SpeakBeautiful campaign is changing the way they value and view themselves. When younger girls see older women confidently speaking beautifully about themselves, they then learn to embrace their individuality too and see how much they are worth!

10. Encourage women to create their own version of beauty.

Dove is all about celebrating who YOU are. They want women to love who they truly are because there is no one else like you! It doesn’t matter what size, shape, or color you are. Who YOU are is amazing and they don’t want social media to taint that. Thanks to Dove, and all of the positivity they are implementing in social media, women are learning to embrace just that! All I can say is thank you Dove and let’s continue to #SpeakBeautiful!