Founder's Story, Health & Fitness, Love, Self-Love

Are You Ready for the Super Bowl?: What Football Has Taught Me

Football Season Super Bowl Self Love Beauty

Who is ready for the Super Bowl? I AM! Maybe this one is special to me because I am a huge Denver Broncos fan. Ever since the Broncos won back to back super bowls in 98 and 99. I was the fourth grader running around in her John Elway jersey, trading football player cards in class…..oh remember those days? I even would play the ‘stat’ game with the boy I had a crush on at the age 8. Meaning try to think of all the stats that I could to impress him. Watching football can be addictive, it’s a global phenomenon that people love to watch and take part in, so no matter if you’re an American football lover or an Australian one, there is something out there for everyone. I connect with my friend in Australia who supports the Essendon Bombers, and she is always online on the essendon shop to get the latest kit when it comes out so she can support her team!

My love for sports have never changed, and I have stayed a Broncos through Elway’s retirement, T. Davis’s retirement, M. Shanahan stepping down as coach, B. Griese becoming QB to the Tebow era with J Fox. For the past couple of years, Peyton has stepped in as the QB coming from the Colts and he has done a great job. With leading the Bronco offense and showcasing his strengths versus what many people say about him. Not to mention the amazing defense that came out to play against the Patriots to take us to Super Bowl 50 against the Panthers. Between all the screaming at TV in my friend apartment in Houston, I was able to end the game with a victory dance for my team in the kitchen.

Now only a few days away, I couldn’t be more ready to watch the Denver Broncos kick some butt. I’ve even thought about checking out some US Sportsbooks because betting makes everything a little more exciting! I don’t bet very often but since it’s an important match, I want to get involved! It’s exciting! Sports have ultimately been a huge part of my life, from playing sports since I was little, to watching the games with my family, to the bedroom theme of Broncos to then going to college at MSU where the teams their ultimately continue to kick butt too. I have always been one to have an opinion on sports, especially how the Denver Broncos are doing (even though I normally refer to them as “my Denver Broncos”). I’ve even thought about getting myself some gear from somewhere that sells , like Buyside Sports, and rep a legendary player while I’m watching the games. I may not know as much as the next person but when I do, I use it to my advantage.

So what does sports have to do with this site? It has everything to do with it! Sports is a part of who I am, what I love and helping me find the beauty in myself.

My First Bruise, My First Tackle

When I was younger I always wanted to play the sports the boys could play. I always was told no or that it was just a guy sport, however I found myself trying to prove them wrong….still to this day not much has changed. I’ll never forget my first game of ‘flag football’ in the backyard… it is where I finally understood how tough you have to be if you want to play with the boys. My first tackle, my first hit to the head. I learned very fast that if you think you want to play with the boys you need tough skin. Since then, I have continued to take this thought process not only in sports but in my professional life. It is through the love for sports that I found my tough skin and the attitude to prove people wrong.

Finding What I Love

Everyone has a passion, one of my greatest passions growing up was sports. I loved the feeling of being part of a team, getting exercise and being competitive. Not only did I love playing them but I loved watching them. Football was a huge part of my weekends with my family, especially with my dad. He is the one that taught me how the game was played. I loved watching my friends and family on the field and then heading into college to fill my Saturdays with MSU Football. Sports is just an example of something I found a passion in, you realize you have a passion with something when it makes you smile and happy. Sports gave me that feeling. Finding what you love, having passions and enjoying memories is what makes life better.

Beauty In Myself

I’ve been a tomboy since I was a child. I have loved sports, being outside and honestly really not caring if I got dirty, didn’t have my hair done or even remotely trying to understand what make-up was as a teen. Instead of trying to fit in, I wore my John Elway jersey, Adidas and Nike shirts all through middle school. When I hit my beginning of my high school, I felt as though I needed to put the tomboy part of my life aside and try to wear the girly clothes, figure out how to wear make up and try the go on dates. I can admit, I always totally better at being the friend then the girl you date because of this awkwardness I carried. I was trying to find myself or more so become molded to what society told me I had to be as a girl. I think many girls can relate when you are trying to find the beauty in yourself when you want to dress like every other girl but secretly are still that girl wishing she was wearing her jersey every day. I have to admit, it is still a struggle some days, we are all trying to fit in but then again we are all born to stand out. Over time, I can admit I am finding more of a balance. I love everything about sports, being able to understand football and not shy away from it and how it is okay to showcase my inner tomboy that will always exist and makes me who I am today. Sports, football and the tomboy in me is my beauty, it is what makes me real just like bird watching or learning Spanish is something that is beautiful about someone else.


If you are like me and watch football every season, the draft to get started and watch Sportscenter more than normal TV, you have learned a lot about strength. You learn through the stories of the college athletes and NFL players of what they go through on a daily basis. Through rumors in the media, fighting injuries, figuring out if they have still have a ‘job’ on their team and even personal issues; they show strength through it all. These athletes are just like us but their lives are public for everyone to see and have an opinion on. The real strength comes from those that use the public media to their advantage with helping others and showcasing amazing work that other people want to follow suit on.

Another thing they have to find strength in is through injury. I recently had an injury to my knee and it took me out of a marathon I was training for last year….and words can’t describe how frustrated I was. However, it isn’t my full time job…could you imagine that setback in front of everyone? I cannot, my injury put things into perspective for me, that strength comes from within and we each have set backs in different was but it is what we do to overcome them that makes all the difference. I have learned both good and bad stories of athletes going through injuries and what they did about it to over come or let it take over their lives. True strength is shown from players that help us learn strength too…that is another reason why I love football.

So I hope to see everyone wearing their blue and orange this weekend! Go Broncos!