women in the workforce self love beauty lisa thompson
Careers, Women Empowerment

12 Pieces of Advice from Working Women

advice from working women

Last week, Self Love Beauty had the privilege of speaking to a group of aspiring young professionals from Michigan State University about what it’s like to chase your dreams as a woman in the working world with a partnership with MSU PRSSA.

The panel discussion featured three inspirational women, Lindsay Irrer, Devon Bradley and Lauren Sutkowski, each of whom is making an impact in the business world by doing what they love. Leading the discussion was Lisa Thompson, founder of Self Love Beauty.

The panel used their experience to shared stories and offer advice on a variety of topics, such as common obstacles that women face entering the workforce, the tough transition from college life to post-grad, and striking a balance between work and social life. They also answered questions and stayed after the event to talk one-on-one with students.

Here are 12 pieces of the advice they gave:

  1. Work is always going to be there, fit other things into the day that make you happy

  2. Always go for it- you have the skills

  3. Follow your passion – not the money.

  4. Keep in contact with your network you’ve built during college and find a mentor, it’s always good to have another opinion

    Working women

  5. During meetings: learn culture, listen and don’t be afraid to speak up. (On going from intern to full-time)

  6. Make sure it’s something you are passionate about.  (On starting your own business)

  7. Always having confidence in yourself and your work is a must in the working world.

  8. If you’re comfortable, you’re not growing.

  9. Say yes to everything you can… Wherever you are, be fully active and engaged.

  10. Don’t be afraid to take the plunge.

  11. Unplug for at least an hour a day to help with work life balance

  12. Don’t lose yourself, find something you enjoy doing.

These women were amazing to learn from and here is a little more information about them:

Lindsay Irrer is co-owner of The Barre Code, a full-service women’s fitness studio in Royal Oak, Michigan. She courageously left her cozy corporate job to take a leap of faith and pursue her dream of owning a studio. The Barre Code offers cardio, strength training and restorative group classes in an Women in the Workforceempowering and body-positive environment. Lindsay is also the founder and events director of two fitness events in Birmingham and Rochester, Michigan. The events encourage and empower members from these Metro-Detroit communities to add exercise to their regular routine and live happier and healthier lives.

Lauren Sutkowski is a supply chain sustainability specialist at The Dow Chemical Company in Midland, Michigan. Her job focuses on environmental impact, social governance and risk management within the company’s global supply chain. She also co-leads Dow’s North American Sustainability Network and is vice president of the Board of Directors for Personal Assistance Options, a non-profit providing care to disabled residents in mid-Michigan.

Devon Bradley is the owner of Belle Row Boutique, a specialty store selling women’s clothing in East Lansing Michigan. Devon has an extensive background in marketing and retail, which helps her manage the day-to-day functions of running a business such as buying, communications, art direction, multimedia, and sales strategy. She is also the public relations director at Lansing Community College.

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