Health & Fitness, Self-Love

5 Of The Best Mood Boosting Foods


If you often feel tired, lacking focus, or anxious then you may find that your diet is to blame! When your diet is wrong, not only can it take a toll on your physical health, but it also has the ability to affect your mental health too. Subsequently, many people decide that they want to relieve these symptoms for good. Some people may make the decision to look at how cannabis, and in particular, these verified coupons for Herb Approach products can help to make a difference to your overall health and wellness. As well as this, looking at how you can improve your diet can also be extremely beneficial.

Thankfully, you can offset these ailments by supplementing your diet with healthy things. Some take a supplement while others take a drug like Modafinil to help boost their mood and focus (found out more at While these work well, it is also important to improve the base of your wellbeing; your diet. People’s diets can vary and their body needs different things for them to flourish, trying out a keto meal replacement shake could be the thing your body needs especially if you want to try out a healthier living style, learn more about this shake and see what you think.

Packed full of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals, the following foods can improve your overall brain function, reduce your stress levels and prevent the development of long term neurological disorders;

1 – Coconut

If you find yourself feeling stressed or depressed then the smell of coconut could soothe your mood! This is due to the fact that the natural scent of coconut has the power to lessen you body’s natural ‘fight or flight response’; thereby slowing your heart rate and reducing your body’s production of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. In fact, a pilot study undertaken at Colombia University reported that participants who breathed in coconut saw their blood pressure recover more quickly after a challenging task.

2 – Fish

Oily fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats alter our brain’s dopamine and serotonin levels; the chemicals which are associated with mood. Consumption of oily fish and omega-3 fatty acids has also been associated with reduced cell death and brain inflammation which have been shown to trigger depression. In this manner, adding a few fish dishes within your weekly diet can help to prevent depression and boost your morale. There is also l phenylalanine in fish which is brilliant for boosting your mood.

3 – Tea

Frequently turn to a cup of coffee for a quick boost? You can actually achieve better focus with a cup of tea! According to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, the amino acid theanine which is present in caffeinated black, green and oolong teas works synergistically with the caffeine in these drinks in order to improve your mental focus and attention span. Subsequently, by drinking between 5 and 8 cups of tea a day you can feel refreshed and energised without the wired side effects often associated with cups of coffee.

4 – Avocados

Did you know that an avocado contain more potassium than a banana? This is an important distinction because potassium is an essential nutrient for learning, memorising information and completing tasks. Without it, you can feel lethargic, stressed, irritable, anxious and more prone to mood swings. Studies have also shown that participants who previously suffered from depression have reported improvement in their moods when their intake of potassium-rich foods were increased. Who knew that your homemade guacamole or daily avocado on toast could have such an important impact on your brain functions?

5 – Broccoli

Broccoli and other dark green leafy vegetables such as asparagus, bok choi, spinach and spring greens have high concentration levels of folate. Although folate and folic acid is often associated with pregnant women due to its ability to prevent birth effects, this essential nutrient can also substantially reduce your likelihood of suffering from depression. Folate is instrumental to healthy brain functions, so adding at least one sizeable portion of green leafy vegetables to your daily diet can work wonders for your overall mood, mental focus and long term neurological health.