Health & Fitness

Fighting The Fall Fitness Blues: How To Stay In Shape As Summer Ends

Fitness Self Love Beauty

Sunshine, beach days, hikes, surf, sand, the list is endless for fun reasons to stay in shape in the summer months. As school picks back up, the days cool down and vacation days are left behind, it is easy to let those summer fitness goals go down with the sunshine.

But that doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, I find that as school starts, my fitness actually improves.

I know that’s totally backwards right? But for me, it’s true.

Since I am in the minority of fitness fluctuation, I thought I could give some tips to fight those fall fitness blues and keep your body feeling good all year round.

  1. Don’t ditch the outdoors. One of the hardest things for most people is leaving all those outdoor activities behind as the days get cooler. Things do not have to be this way though. There is no reason why you cannot still complete a workout in the comfort of your own backyard! I have just had some new decking fitted in my garden so I will definitely be scheduling plenty of home garden workouts as summer starts to wind down. I had been meaning to sort out my garden for some time but after a friend told me to check out some of the brilliant decking companies out there I knew that I had to do something to get the ball rolling. When it comes to decking uk companies are among some of the best so I took my time to find the right style for my backyard. Anyway, my point is, don’t let the changing weather stop you from getting outside! Switch out those shorts for pants and a long sleeve shirt and get back out there. Breathe in that crisp air and let it push you even further on those evening runs. The fall is actually many runners favorite season, as the weather isn’t as hot and humid. Be careful if you do go running in the colder months as you could slip on black ice. You could end up with back or knee pain because of the fall and need for treatment to help the pain.

  2. Set a schedule. This is the number one reason that I am in the best shape during the school year. I have a set schedule of when I can get to the gym. Between class, work, and extras such as rehearsals and clubs, I set aside a time during each weekday to hit the gym. During summer break, I have so much more free time, that I often end up skipping the gym altogether. Setting that schedule will help manage your time and push you to get back in the gym.

  3. Find fun indoor activities. Just because summer is over doesn’t mean your fitness has to get boring. Adventure into some new ways to exercise indoors. Try indoor rock climbing, Zumba, yoga, pilates, kick boxing, spin, the list goes on! Find a local gym, fitness center, or check out your campus to see what kind of classes they offer. Check out this Huffington Post article to learn what fitness class might be right for you. Don’t be afraid to try something new.

  4. Partner up. We hear so often about how much easier it is to reach goals when another person holds you accountable. Truth is, we hear about it so much because it’s actually been proven. During summer, we are often doing those outdoor fitness activities with a friend or family member. Find your summer adventure partner and kick up the gear for fall by sticking together and pushing each other to try new activities to stay fit. If you can’t find anyone to partner up with then don’t let this get you down. Keep track of blogs like Wisdoms of Health that post about fitness, diets and programs that will keep you motivated and make you feel like you have a partner.

  5. Ditch the bikini motivation. Sweating through that stair stepper at the gym a while back, I heard a woman talking about how she’s excited that she won’t have to worry how that swimsuit will look as summer ends. This is true for so many as winter ends and summer begins, finding motivation in thoughts of that bikini on the beach. That bikini is going away until next year, so it’s time to find a new fitness focus. The focus can and should always be on staying healthy and keeping your body feeling good. It’s so easy to lose that summer energy and excitement as we start sitting around more and more. Get those endorphins pumping and keep your body active through the colder seasons too. It might also help to look into fitness clothes (like from this website) which might help to keep your motivated.

The end of summer shouldn’t be the end of your fitness until next swimsuit season. Don’t let yourself get stuck indoors dreaming of warmer days. Put some warm clothes on, get outside and get moving! Schedule a time to put the work in and get creative with it so it becomes not something you try to avoid, but something you can look forward to throughout the day. Have fun with your fitness and keep your body feeling good, with or without that suntan.