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Achieve Your Dreams: The Do’s and Don’ts of Goal Setting

Talking about our dreams is easy, but taking action can be tough. This week on the podcast, we dive into the do’s and don’ts of goal setting, sharing essential tips and hacks for success. Continue to read to learn how to set achievable goals and take steps to help you meet your dreams


Defining Goals

A goal is an objective or desired outcome that a person or organization works towards achieving within a specific timeframe. It’s essential to define your goals clearly and ensure they are specific and measurable. Many people struggle with setting goals because they:

  • • Set too many goals at once
  • • Set ambiguous goals
  • • Don’t align their goals with their true desires or values
  • • Ignore the necessary steps and timeframes needed to achieve their goals

Simplifying your goals can help you focus better and achieve them more efficiently. Instead of overwhelming yourself with numerous goals, identify one or two primary goals and break them down into manageable steps.

The Do's and Don'ts of Goal Setting


1.Set Goals You Want to Achieve: Ensure your goals align with your passion and purpose.

2.Set Achievable Goals: Break down large goals into smaller, manageable steps.

3.Be Specific: Clearly define your goals with specific outcomes and timeframes.

4.Write Down Your Goals: Writing and sharing your goals increases accountability.


1. Don’t Set Unachievable Goals: Avoid goals that are too ambitious without a realistic plan.

2.Don’t Be Vague: Specificity helps in creating actionable steps.

3.Don’t Overwhelm Yourself: Focus on a few significant goals rather than many small ones.

4.Don’t Ignore Obstacles: Acknowledge potential challenges and plan to overcome them.

5.Don’t Compare: Focus on your journey and avoid comparing yourself to others.

6.Don’t Forget to Ask for Help: Seek support and community to help you achieve your goals.

Practical Strategies for Handling Feedback

1. Active Listening: Focus on understanding rather than preparing a defense.

2.Processing Feedback: Take time to process before reacting or taking action.

3.Reflect and Clarify: Summarize feedback to ensure understanding and ask clarifying questions about expectations moving forward.

4.Utilizing Strengths: Focus on leveraging strengths to address areas for improvement rather than solely focusing on weaknesses.

Conclusion: Turn Your Dreams into Reality

Goal setting is a roadmap to success. By following these tips, you can turn your wildest dreams into achievable goals. Remember, the only limit to your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.”

Join Lead Within and Continue Your Journey!

Lead Within, the newly launched online membership platform, is designed to empower individuals in personal and professional growth. With a wealth of content and interactive resources, it provides continuous support for those navigating their confidence journey. This month, we launched our new topic: Goal Setting. Join today and practice all of the tips we talked about in  this week’s episode! 

If you’re ready to unlock your potential, visit Lead Within and use promo code podcast50 for 50% off your first month.

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