Love, Women Empowerment

Be Part of the Movement: #LetGirlsLearn

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Written By Contributor Writer Meghan Ervine 

Growing up with an excellent education is something I am so extremely thankful for, but if I am honest, it is definitely something I take for granted. I think most women would agree education is an incredible opportunity we have in our country. It is a stepping stone that helps us grow and gain valuable knowledge, learn a variety of skills, invent new and innovative ideas and empower nations and countries all across the world. Education is powerful… to say the very least. But unfortunately education is not something everyone women has access to. In fact there are 62 million girls across the world who don’t have access to it and the barriers holding them back are quite large.

Michelle Obama’s Launch

Yes, this is an alarming number and an unfortunate truth, but thankfully First Lady Michelle Obama has launched a government-wide effort to #LetGirlsLearn. It is a public engagement campaign with the task of opening the doors of education to girls by reducing the barriers to education. These barriers include lack of resources, such as, money, materials and transportation, and the lack of value most girls have in societies. The campaign is partnering with countries like Japan and Cambodia to help girls around the world have the opportunity to attend school and in turn pursue their dreams.

The approach to the #LetGirlsLearn campaign is carried out through a combination of different government departments. With the help of the U.S Department of State and U.S Aid, there is a focus on reducing the barriers of success and addressing the challenges that young girls all across the world face when trying to get an education. These barriers could be payment for school, an unsafe distance for a young girl to travel, lack of healthcare and support needed to get an education. These problems are being addressed and through agencies like the U.S Aid people are able to donate to help provide girls with the resources needed to acquire an education.

The campaign is also teaming up with the  Millenium Challenge Corporation and the Peace Corps. The Millenium Challenge Corporation recognizes and seeks to make change where there is a presence of gender inequality in many countries. Through different initiatives they provide women with access to important things like healthcare and education services.


Through #LetGirlsLearn, the Peace Corps is focused on smaller scale, community-led change. They are building up volunteers, training thousands of teachers and collaborating with community leaders to find solutions based in local communities. They do this so young girls everywhere not only have access to an education, but a better quality education. With the help of all of these agencies the #LetGirlsLearn is creating better opportunities for girl’s everywhere and in turn bettering their lives, and the lives of those around them.

This incredible campaign is helping to create extraordinary opportunties for young girls in every corner of the world. They are being given the chance to make their mark in their local community, country and even in the world. All because they are given the chance to receive a quality education, just like every girl deserves to have. They are getting the chance to help change the world, and that is something to believe in.

#LetGirlsLearn has the ability to empower and motivate girls everywhere to never give up and passionately pursue their destiny with the help of education. And the great news is Americans are able to get involved if they so desire. If you want more information on the #LetGirlsLearn campaign or to find out how you can donate or aid this incredible cause, please visit You can help love these girls and be a part of the change that is giving girls everywhere the possibility to recieve an education. You can help give them one of the most important things they can have, and that’s hope.