Love, Self-Love, Women Empowerment

The Cherry Project: Popping Your Inner Cherry


“The key to living a successful life is to live it to the fullest while enduring sweet bliss.”

This tagline is the epitome of The Cherry Project, an online photo movement started by Autumn Pinkley, a sophomore student at Central Michigan University. The goal of the movement is to allow people to embrace who they are and the skin that they are in.

Tackling topics ranging from race to weight to sexual orientation, the movement features a mini-photoshoot of an individual as well as the story that they choose to share. The photos from the shoot serve as a face to go along with the story, and the stories serve as a reminder that we all have an “inner-cherry” just waiting to be popped – a true testimony that we should be comfortable being ourselves and embracing what makes us exceptional.

The Cherry Project is a sweet reminder that we can be who we want to be, love who we want to love, wear what we want to wear, and ultimately be who we want to be.

“The project allows them to say hey, this is me and I’m proud of it. Not everyday does someone get the chance to share their story, get photographed, or get praised for the queen they are. It’s scary because you’re putting yourself out there for people you don’t necessarily know to see,” the testimony of Tiffany Nguyen, Central Michigan University student (pictured above). Her story is one that she felt brave enough to share through the Cherry Project and it’s one that resonates with a lot of people – that’s the beauty of the project, being able to share in a way that inspires others to be comfortable with their “cherry.”

If you’re interested in learning more about the Cherry Project, check out their Twitter.

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