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How Do You Overcome Self-Doubt?

WE ARE BACK! Yes, we took a break… more than 6 months of a break. We grew, we learned and we are ready to show you a new version on the podcast. In this podcast, our host, Lisa Thompson, is solo to start the year off strong. She shares how to overcome self-doubt and how to stop the downward spiral of negative thoughts from happening. She opens up about the last 6 months of being away, tips to help you overcome your consuming thoughts of self-doubt and more.

Continue to read on for the key points from today’s episode!

The Trap of External Validation

Self-doubt creeps in when we seek external affirmation. For me, I was relying on others to validate my work, constantly seeking approval to feel “good enough.” I was running on empty, exhausted, and overwhelmed. I wasn’t giving myself room to breathe, and that led to me needing external validation. What I should have been doing was pausing to reflect internally—on my strengths, my strategy, and what I was doing right. But instead, I was in constant motion, driven by my ego, without taking a moment to slow down and reassess my approach.

The Downward Spiral of Comparison

One of the biggest traps I fell into during this period of self-doubt was comparing myself to others. Social media, especially TikTok, became a source of comparison instead of a platform for inspiration. I was caught up in seeing other people’s success and wondering why I wasn’t achieving the same. This led me to a victim mindset, spiraling into negativity, which I teach my coaching clients to avoid. I had to stop that spiral early before it consumed me. It’s important to recognize those first negative thoughts and cut them off quickly, rather than letting them build into something worse.

The Reality of Bad Days

We all have bad days—days that feel like they’ll never end. And that’s okay. You’re allowed to have a bad day, but what’s crucial is how you bounce back. For me, I allow myself one bad day, but I won’t let it carry into the next. I’m a checklist person, and I use that to keep myself accountable. The real test is what you do after that bad day. Are you making a plan? Are you getting out of bed and trying again? It’s so easy to play the victim and say, “I’m not good enough,” but at the end of the day, you’re in control of what comes next.

The Choice to Overcome Self-Doubt

At the end of the day, overcoming self-doubt is a choice. It’s about recognizing that no one else can do the work for you. Whether it’s building a skill, learning something new, or seeking help from a coach, it’s up to you to decide how you’ll tackle it. There are countless resources out there—Google, YouTube, and professional coaching—that can help you develop the confidence you need. But it starts with you making that choice to grow and improve.

Final Thoughts

Self-doubt is something we all face, but how we respond to it makes all the difference. It’s easy to get stuck, to feel like you’re not good enough, or to compare yourself to others. But remember, the only person who can change that narrative is you. Whether it’s by taking a pause, creating a plan, or seeking support, you have the power to overcome self-doubt and create the life you want. Confidence, self-love, and self-respect are all choices you make every day—so make the choice to believe in yourself.

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