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How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

On this episode, our host Lisa Tarkington, sits down with Leadership Coach, Jessie Arora. Jessie and Lisa met during a training for coaching and instantly connected. They talk about ‘How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome’, from what it is to their own stories to tools to help you overcome this.

 Continue to read on for the key points of this conversation with Jessie!

Meet Jessie: Leadership Coach & Imposter Syndrome Advocate

Lisa: Welcome, everyone! Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that’s been on the rise in conversations lately – imposter syndrome. It’s something we all face at some point, those moments of self-doubt when we feel like we don’t belong or aren’t good enough. I’ve had countless conversations with people who’ve experienced this, and it’s always surprising to hear just how common it is, even among highly successful individuals.

To help us explore this topic further, I’m joined by my friend Jessie. We connected during a coaching program, and she’s an expert in leadership coaching, particularly with women. She’s got a lot of great insights to share, so let’s jump in!

Jessie: Hi Lisa, thank you so much for having me on! I’m a leadership coach, and I focus a lot on working with women – moms, startup founders, nonprofit leaders – to help them overcome challenges like imposter syndrome. I’ve had my own journey with this, especially as I transitioned through different careers. From working at Google to running an education startup, I’ve had to constantly face imposter syndrome and push through it.

Defining Imposter Syndrome

Lisa: So Jessie, we throw around the term “imposter syndrome” a lot, but what does it actually mean to you?

Jessie: Imposter syndrome is that feeling of not belonging or doubting your accomplishments. Technically, it’s a psychological pattern where people feel like they’re going to be exposed as a fraud. It can happen at any stage of your career. Even after overcoming it, a new challenge can make it rear its head again.

Facing Imposter Syndrome: Jessie's Story

Lisa: You’ve had a lot of career transitions, from tech to education. Was there a specific moment where imposter syndrome hit you the hardest?

Jessie: Absolutely. One major moment was when I applied to the School of Education at Stanford. I didn’t have a background in education, and most of my peers came from teaching or programs like Teach for America. I felt like I didn’t belong there. But what helped me push through was recognizing the transferable skills I gained from Google – team-building and operational skills that applied to education in unique ways.

Tools to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Lisa: What are some tools or strategies you recommend for overcoming imposter syndrome?

Jessie: One quick tool I love is the High Five Habit by Mel Robbins. It’s simple – you look at yourself in the mirror and give yourself a high five. It boosts your mood and confidence. Another is writing down your accomplishments. This isn’t bragging; it’s about acknowledging what you’ve achieved and how that contributes to your organization or your life’s mission. It’s a great way to remind yourself of your worth.

Lisa: When you work with clients facing imposter syndrome, how do you guide them through it?

Jessie: The first step is awareness. Recognizing when you’re spiraling is key. I encourage clients to use mantras or simple tools to snap out of the negative mindset. Then, we dive deeper into exercises like writing their story from a factual standpoint – focusing on their contributions and accomplishments. It helps them see their value and also sparks new ideas.

Final Thoughts

Lisa: I love everything you’ve shared, Jessie. One thing that really stuck with me is the high-five analogy. We cheer on others so easily, but we forget to do it for ourselves. Overcoming imposter syndrome is about believing in ourselves and celebrating our wins, no matter how small.

To everyone listening, remember – we all face imposter syndrome at times. But with the right tools and mindset, you can push through it and step into your full potential. Thanks again to Jessie for joining us and sharing her insights!

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