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Letting Go of the Perfectionism Mindset

How many of us have certain things we want a specific way? Or maybe you own your own company and want things a certain way? Our host, Lisa Tarkington dives in this topic sharing her own story, leaders who helped her learn because they ‘let go’ and trusted her, tools to help you and more!

Continue to read on for the key points from today’s episode!

Recognizing Perfectionism

I never considered myself a perfectionist. I always thought I was too sloppy to be one. But over time, I realized that I exhibit perfectionist tendencies in specific areas, like my obsession with spreadsheets. I like everything to be precise—fonts, borders, layouts—and when things aren’t how I envision them, it causes irritation and even anxiety. I’ve learned this mindset can be both helpful and harmful. It helps me make improvements, but it also overwhelms me when things don’t turn out perfectly.

Embracing Flexibility

As a leader, I’ve learned that perfectionism isn’t always sustainable. I used to think, “My way or the highway,” without clearly communicating my expectations to others. Over time, I discovered that effective leadership requires adaptability and understanding. Each person on my team brings their own strengths, and I’ve had to recognize that sometimes, things won’t be done exactly how I would do them—and that’s okay. It’s about progress, not perfection, and empowering others to lead.

Letting Go to Empower Others

When I micromanage or pick apart someone’s work, I’m inadvertently diminishing their confidence. Confidence is rooted in trusting your skills and abilities. If I constantly critique others, I’m sending the message that I don’t trust them. I’ve had to step back and allow people to make mistakes, learn, and grow. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about reaching the goal together, regardless of the path taken.

Balancing Perfectionism with Practicality

One major lesson I’ve learned is to focus on what truly matters. I still struggle with perfectionism in certain areas, but I’ve realized that sometimes the pursuit of perfection isn’t necessary. Internal documents, for example, don’t need to be flawless. And if I want something done a certain way, it’s up to me to set clear processes and templates. Open communication and transparency with my team are crucial for balancing my perfectionism with the practicalities of leadership.

Final Thoughts

Being a leader means learning to let go of what you can’t control. Perfectionism can lead to burnout, overworking, and missing the bigger picture. We all deserve breaks, and by empowering others and stepping back, leaders can focus on strategy and the future. It’s not about perfection—it’s about growth, for ourselves and those we lead.

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