Comfort Zone Self Love Beauty
Founder's Story, Women Empowerment

Life Begins At the End of your Comfort Zone


Comfort Zone Self Love Beauty

We all go through phases in our lives and sometimes it is easier to stay where you are at than leave something to become uncomfortable or to go through something you think you are not ready for. However, I am a strong believer in never getting too comfortable. Why? Because you only have one life to live, why not do as much as much as you can and experience what your are meant to.

I stayed before. Stayed in the comfort of someones arms, of the same daily routine and I stayed comfortable. I thought that “this was it, I could have this life”, it seemed to work. Then one day I had the chance to choose between staying and making a change; to leave my comfort zone.

I left my comfort zone. I cried. I regretted it for a little bit, trying to decide if I made the right choice. I left  behind a guy I thought I wanted forever with. I left friends. I left jobs. I left everything I knew for a new life. It may not have been as dramatic as I would like to say. I didn’t leave the country, dye my hair and change my name however I did change as a person. Leaving my comfort zone for the first time was the best and hardest thing I ever did. And you know what? After doing it once, I was able to do it again and again and again. I have been able to take opportunities that I never thought I would say yes to or have the opportunity to take.

It is funny how every time I had to make sure it was right for me, and each time God gave me a reason to go. My life has never been boring, actually it has been far from it. I never wanted to settle and each time I could see myself settling I knew I needed to leave whatever type of comfort zone I was starting to have.

Sometimes staying in your comfort zone does more harm than good for you. It is our safe place, and as much as we all need that safe place, it is important to know that not each part of your life should be that way. As much as we do not like leaving our comfort zone because it means changing, we have to remember the world around us is going to change even though we may not want it.

Leaving my comfort zone taught me so much.


I thought I was always a mature person. I always strived to be at the top and always be mature. However, I realized I was just mature in the present setting I was in. The more I left my comfort zone the more I learned that I had to mature a lot more in how I dealt with different situations. It was internal piece of me that needed to change, and my outlook on life has never been better.


After leaving my first comfort zone I took on new adventures and explored more places than ever. I always said I would but as time continue to go on. I kept saying it and never did it. I am so glad I took the leap to take on the adventures in my life. I have gotten lost in big cities, tried new foods, ate at restaurants by myself, ran more miles than ever before and never looked back.

Never Settling 

I was settling for the life of comfort. For the easy life because well, if I left it that would be taking a risk that could turn my world upside down. However I realized really fast that after leaving my first comfort zone what I was missing out. I have
continued to have that mind set and never settling has been my motto. It is so easy to settling but when you look at the big picture you realize extremely fast how much more you want in your life and you have to work every day for it.

New People

My friends are amazing; My coworkers are amazing; and the family I have gained over time is amazing. I have been set up on ‘friend dates’, I have made friends with girls in the bathrooms, I have joined sports leagues to meet people and put myself out there. Meeting new people is a lot like dating you have to put yourself out there and maybe they will like you or maybe you will like them. Each encounter has taught me something. A lot of people stay in their own friend zones their whole lives, and never meet anyone new. As much as I love my long life time friends, I have gained more friends and had many experience with new people because I left the comfort zone.

New Opportunities

Leaving your comfort zone usually means you are leaving to do something different than you are presently doing. I had the opportunity to take on multiple roles with my job, in different states. I know now if I would have stayed in positions that became comfortable  to me, I never would have grown as a person or taken new opportunities to challenge myself. It is hard work, new things mean pushing to learn new things however I have gained a skill set in different areas I didn’t know I had.


Looking back at everything I have done, I laugh because the memories are crazy. I have grown in my career, made friends with so many people through the world, I have drank way to much, I have taken control of my weight issues and self image problems, I have become more independent and the list goes on. The best part of all this is, I know I am not done with these experiences. As scary as it is to think about starting over again and trying something new, I know the possibilities are endless if I just leave my comfort zone.

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April 12, 2015

Yes, I agree. You will never know what you can do until you step out of your comfort zone.