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Mastering the Power of Pause: How to Become Less Reactive

 Feeling like you’re constantly reacting and moving fast through life? This week, we sit down with Mental Health Advocate Kimberly Dunn, who shares how mastering the power of pause transformed her life after losing her brother to suicide. Learn how a simple 30-second pause can help you slow down and become less reactive and more intentional to show up as your best self both personally and professionally.

 Continue to read on for the key points of this conversation with Kimberly!

Kim's Journey

Lisa: Today, we’re talking about the power of pause—how taking just 30 seconds can add so much value to your life. We’ll explore how you are the one who can set the tone for change in your life, and how to apply this concept both personally and professionally.  Can you share a bit about your journey, Kim, and what led you to focus on the power of pause?

Kim: I started practicing the pause in every aspect of my life—parenting, work, and personal life—because I realized I was always in motion, never taking time to slow down. About five years ago, I got deep into meditation, and it transformed my life. Teaching my kids meditation showed me how beneficial this practice is. I brought the idea of practicing the pause into my business life too, likening it to being a firefighter. Just like firefighters pause to assess a situation before taking action, we should practice the pause in our lives.

The Firefighter Analogy

Lisa: Can you explain the firefighter analogy you mentioned?

Kim: As business owners, leaders, or parents, we’re often putting out fires. But how often do we pause, like a firefighter, to assess the situation before reacting? Firefighters pause, assess, develop a plan, and then take action. We need to do the same in our daily lives to avoid becoming too reactive.

Learning to Pause in Life

Lisa: You mentioned that life was running you before you started pausing. Can you tell us more about that?

Kim: Eleven years ago, I lost my brother, Chad, to bipolar suicide. It was a dark time for my family, and we were advised to keep his diagnosis a secret, which added to the burden. After his death, we openly shared about his struggle in his obituary, and the response we received was overwhelming. This experience set me on a purpose-driven path to become a mental health advocate, helping others who struggle in silence.

Lisa: How did the power of pause change your life?

Kim: Five years ago, I went through a divorce, which was another isolating experience. It gave me a chance to start over and figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I became a coach and my first client, using the lessons I learned from my brother’s experience. Meditation and practicing the pause became central to my life. I went from not having time for a cup of coffee to dedicating 30-60 minutes each morning to my routine. It brought peace and made me more productive.

Practical Tips for Practicing the Pause

Lisa: What would you say to someone who feels they don’t have time for the power of pause?

Kim: Start small, with just 30 seconds. You don’t need a dark room or 20 minutes of silence. Active meditation can be done anywhere, even during a meeting. It’s all about being intentional and slowing down. For example, every hour, take 30 seconds to focus on your breath. You’ll notice tension and start releasing it, helping you to downregulate and become more aware.

Lisa: How can practicing the pause be applied in the workplace?

Kim: In the workplace, we’re often reacting to situations. But if we practice the pause, we can assess situations more effectively, decide if immediate action is needed, and develop others around us by empowering them or creating boundaries. It’s about taking a moment to connect with your resources and make more intentional decisions.

Final Thoughts

Lisa: So to close us out like what is it that you want to make sure every person listening in takes away?

Kimberly: First of all, you can’t unhear these things, so the seed has been planted and when we can just be intentional about our thoughts and about our actions, be that firefighter, develop a plan, stop and assess.  Best part of that is start with 30 seconds to become aware and just breathe. Focus on the exhale. When we exhale, everything goes away with that. And then, when you get good, take that inventory, like you just shared, of all the amazing gifts that have come in the past year since you have been intentional about slowing down. Take that positive inventory and use it to propel you to go forward.

Lisa: I love that.


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