Health & Fitness, Love, Self-Love

What Does Mental Health Look Like in The United States?



We all know what happened.

It is a very emotional happening. Something that shouldn’t have even happened in the first place, but it did. How does one process it? How does one rationalize what happened there and begin to move on?

Some will say it is gun laws that need to be tightened up and to that point, sure. I absolutely agree. Six months ago, congress voted no on predator and suspected terrorist gun bans. (This bill was supported by Obama.) So, according to, law-abiding citizens who meet certain predetermined requirements are still allowed a concealed carry weapon for self defense purposes (and open carry under certain conditions.) As it should be; citizens have a right to protect themselves.

And how do you rationalize the fact that no matter what, if someone wants to do something badly enough…they will find a way? As the world looks at our nation, practically falling apart at the seams, one can only wonder. What does the inside look like?

According to the CDC, almost 43% of people reporting depression have suffered severe disabilities in work, home and during social activities.

From the years 2009 – 2012 a whopping 7.6% of the population 12 and older reported dealing with some form of depression.

Now, the most critical question is what does the mind of a killer look like? Do you sweep it away as a one off or do you actually attempt to see it from both sides of the coin. What does the mental health care system look like in this country? If I can be quite frank, it is one where we are only just scratching the surface of the intricacies of the mind. released an article citing that the shooter, a man by the name of Omar, had a history of mental instability and very well could have been gay. Now, I don’t want to justify the shooter by ANY means here, but if you look at it from a social economic standpoint, the man has been married twice. One of his wives fled from her home after only four months of marriage and both can attest to him going out to nightclubs such as this. He is raised in a culture where how he wants to be is absolutely unacceptable and he is terrified of how he feels. If and if he had actually been closeted into his sexual orientation and if he fell into the wrong social group, they can very well essentially brainwash him to make such terrible decisions. At the end of the day though, it really is about the choices you make in this world. No one can tell you do something that you don’t want to do. It’s really where your moral compass lies. But it begs the question, what are we doing about the events that are happening in the world? Are we just praying for peace instead of investing in what could be the turning point for the world?

About 19 million people (or roughly 8.7% of the population), predominantly women in this case, have some sort of specific phobia that affects their home and work life in some manner.

Specific phobias can start showing noticeable symptoms as early as 7 years old. As for the rate of treatable illness? About one-third of the population actually receive treatment for their mental health issue. It is quite staggering. The general cost of treating mental health is around 42 billion dollars a year, roughly one-third of the budget of 148 billion. The majority of health care visits is people who have anxiety that mimics other physical ailments.

Health care is so important, especially to women. We not only are the mothers of the world, we are now the business leaders and teachers, as well as caregivers to everyone else. It is easy for us to pass up our own health for the sake of others and it is something that should become the primary focus of a woman’s overall health and lifestyle. Accordingly, if you would like to learn more about some of the different mental health care plans that are available for people living with mental health conditions such as anxiety, you can click here.

Our nation has been at a stand still of sorts ever since the day of September 11. We aren’t sure how to face the fact that our mind is a wondrous and terrifying thing. We have seen the slaughter of innocent children, innocent people in a movie theater, and now innocent people in a nightclub just trying to have a little fun before the work week starts up again. We are so focused on the end dollar profit that we forget that people are, well, people. People who need to be heard, who need to feel absolutely comfortable saying “Hey, something doesn’t seem right.” and can freely walk into an establishment and receive the health care that they so desperately need.

Shame on us for not doing better and being better to one another. What will it take for our eyes to be completely open? All I can hope is that this is the turning point.