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Own Your Swag: How to Authentically and Unapologetically Be Who You Are

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Unlock your inner confidence and own your swag! This week, we are sitting down with Mimi Brown, CEO of AMP Up Success, to talk all about being authentically and unapologetically YOU. Learn how to have courage, build confidence, and use these to help you grow both professionally and personally. 

Let’s dive into the key highlights from our conversation with Mimi!

Mimi's Story

Lisa: Take us back and tell us your story. It’s been quite a journey from where you were to where you are now. Can you give us a run-through so the audience can know a little more about you?

Mimi: When I first experienced the bug of being a keynote speaker, I was 19 years old, running the camera for my college TV station. There was a mesmerizing speaker, and I was so captivated that I dropped the camera. After getting fired, I approached him and said, “This is what I want to do.” He replied, “I want your autograph because you’re going to do this one day.” That planted a seed in me. Years later, a colleague told me to join the National Speakers Association. My first meeting in 2011 felt like coming home, and that set me on the trajectory to where I am today.

Lisa: Isn’t it fascinating how those little seeds grow into something significant? How powerful was that moment for you?

Mimi: Absolutely. You never know the impact you have on others just by showing up authentically. I reached out to Joe Martin, the speaker from my college days, to thank him. He planted a seed that grew into my career. It’s a ripple effect – just one interaction can make a huge difference.

Owning Your Swag

Lisa: One of the things you talk about is owning your swag. What does it mean to own your swag personally and professionally?

Mimi: Swag is short for swagger – the way we walk, talk, and carry ourselves. It’s about courage and confidence to unapologetically and authentically be who you are. I had a client, Angela, who had all the qualifications but couldn’t advance in her career. After some coaching, she got clear on where she wanted to go and who she needed to be. She owned her swag and eventually became the first VP of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at her company.

Challenges in Owning Your Swag

Lisa: When did you realize you weren’t owning your swag?

Mimi: I was in a corporate role and asked my boss for a promotion. He told me I was too much and needed to tone it down. It was devastating. My mentor, Chris, reminded me not to be less of myself but to be more. Three months later, I quit my job and went full-time into speaking. I didn’t want other women to have the same experience.

Lisa: What steps did you take to overcome self-doubt and own your swag?

Mimi: First, I cultivated the right support network. Chris was pivotal, reminding me who I was. Second, I got clear on my why – why I wanted to make the change. I visualized my next steps and prepared for the leap. Third, I connected with people who were already doing what I aspired to do. For example, Shireen, a professional speaker, helped me visualize my future and take actionable steps.

The Power of Visualization and Mentorship

Lisa: What role did visualization and mentorship play in your journey?

Mimi: Visualization was crucial. Shireen asked me to paint the best picture of my next step. I visualized getting a part-time training gig to support myself while growing my business. A week later, I got the exact opportunity I had visualized. Mentorship from Chris and Shireen guided me through each step and provided the support I needed.

Final Thoughts: Encouraging Others to Own Their Swag

Lisa: What advice do you have for others to own their swag?

Mimi: Clarify your confidence by taking inventory of what makes you great. Focus on your successes, wisdom, and strengths rather than your weaknesses. Embrace who you are and lean into your unique qualities. Remember, taking risks is essential, but make them calculated. Surround yourself with a supportive network and seek mentorship from those who have walked the path you aspire to.

Lisa: Owning your swag is about authenticity, confidence, and taking actionable steps. Thank you for sharing your journey and inspiring others to do the same.

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