Blog, Love, Self-Love

Self Love Beauty partners with Dow High School cheer team in Beautiful Me photo shoot


Self Love Beauty spreads empowerment to a younger generation of women

In October, the Dow High School cheer team gathered at Dow Gardens in Midland, Mich. to take part in their very first Beautiful Me photoshoot.

Each year, the team does something special to wrap up the end of the season. This year, the girls chose to rock the Fearless shirt from Self Love Beauty’s Beautiful Me collection and partook in a photoshoot while adding their own personal charisma and character to each picture.

“The Beautiful Me shoot was a special way to give the girls an outlet to express themselves,” said Katie Cole, head coach. “It was raining out but that didn’t stop the girls, they rocked it and it was inspiring to see them get out there and show their confidence to the world.”

“It’s all about teaching girls to have confidence in themselves,” said Lisa Thompson, founder of Self Love Beauty. “These photo shoots give the chance to empower these girls and show them just how great they really are.”

Each and every girl had their own story to share and brought their own meaning to empowerment.

Jaden, 17, is modeling our Fearless shirt because she isn’t afraid to be herself in any situation. Jaden is the captain of the cheer team alongside Jessica and does everything she can to uplift her teammates and bring them confidence. She defines self-love as loving yourself before loving anyone else.

Valentina, 16 is modeling our Fearless shirt because it expresses how she always stays true to herself regardless of anyone’s judgments. To Valentina, self-Love means accepting who you are and knowing you are not perfect but also knowing you can always improve.

McKenna,17, is modeling our Fearless shirt because she enjoys trying new things, meeting new people and experiencing different cultures. McKenna describes self-love as truly accepting who you are, not caring what people have to say about you and simply loving yourself.

Racheal, 16, is modeling our Fearless shirt because it makes her feel strong. To Racheal, self-love is believing, in your own heart, that you matter.

Sophie, 16, is modeling our Fearless shirt because it helps make her stand out and feel special. Sophie defines self-love as just that – being able to unapologetically love the person you are!

Cassie,15, is modeling our Fearless shirt because it expresses who she is—she wants to live her life without fear or regrets. She defines self-love as accepting and embracing who she truly is, with confidence.

Jessica,17, is modeling our Fearless shirt because it expresses who she is. She describes self-love as being able to go out of your comfort zone and overcoming your fears.

Chloe, 16, is modeling our Fearless shirt because it expresses that she can accomplish anything. For her, self-love means being 100% happy, or on the road to being happy, with who you are.

Shayna, 17, is modeling our Fearless shirt because it shows that she is trying to be the best version of herself and doesn’t care what others think of her. To Shayna, self-love means being confident in who you are and not changing to please others.

Mercedes, 17, is modeling our Fearless shirt because it shows how she likes to try new things and it motivates her to be successful. Mercedes defines self-love as making your own choices and loving yourself to the best of your ability.

The Beautiful Me Campaign comes from Self Love Beauty’s mission to ensure women have self-love through feeling confident in their own beauty and feeling empowered one story at a time, knowing they are not alone on their journey to reach their full potential. A total of nine photo shoots have taken place in 2017 and have encouraged women and young girls of all shapes, sizes and ages to come together and share their story.