Mom and son self love beauty

What My Two Brothers and I Learned From Being Raised By A Single Mother

 Mom and son

Written by guest blogger Preston Pilgrim

You certainly do not need to be raised by a man in order to become one. I like to think that I am a great example of that principal. I am the oldest of 3 siblings and our father walked out on my mother when I was only seven years old. The sad part about it is he also walked out on his children. Since that time us kids have had absolutely zero contact with him. The man wanted nothing to do with any of us and that included financial support.

Thankfully my mother stepped up and filled both roles. My siblings and I are the products of her doing an outstanding job. Our mother worked two jobs and took excellent care of 3 children. She raised us with morals, values, and a sense of self worth. Although my mother struggled mightily we never heard her complain, not once. She made us feel loved and protected at all times, even when punishing us for doing wrong.


Our family of five certainly had a lot of fun together on an extremely limited budget. We never felt poor although we probably were compared to most of the families we knew. Our mother sacrificed her prime years in order to make sure that my life and the lives of my brothers were the best they could possibly be. I am writing this piece in honor of her. So without further ado the following four life lessons is exactly what being raised by a single mother has taught me.

1: Do Not Allow The World To Turn You Into A Cynic

The world may be a cold, harsh place, and some men believe that they need to be cold and harsh in return in order to survive. That could not be any further from the truth. Yes there are good and bad things that happen to everyone. That being said, it is extremely important to concentrate on the positives while learning from the negative aspects of life in order to avoid them in the future. With everything my mother was responsible for she still put on a smile each and everyday. The bottom line is you can find happiness in everything and still succeed in life.

2: Always Be Strong Willed

In order to grow up and be a man, not a grown up child, it is of key importance that you do not ever back away from anything that scares you. Always man up and mentally attack your fears head on. In the end you will be far stronger for it. This life lesson also holds true regarding discouraging people, as they are most likely jealous that you are strong willed man and they are not. Never let a negative person hold you back from accomplishing anything in your life, small or large.


3: Never Give Up On People You Care About

My mother was most definitely a busy woman that barely had any time of her own. That never stopped her from helping a friend in need, whether it was advice, or simply her company. In order to be a man it is extremely important that you do not shut down and turn people away when you are busy, overwhelmed, or even not in the mood to deal with them.

4: Never Lose Faith In Yourself

In order to be a real man, it is crucial that you never lose faith in yourself. No matter how bad things got for my mother she always believed that with faith in her abilities anything bad that happened to us could and would change for the better. This life lesson has helped me to stay dedicated to the cause even when I’ve wanted to give up on it.


In conclusion, my brothers and I all ended up to be successful, happy, well adjusted people. All of my brothers are either in secondary school or have already graduated. I have been lucky enough to start my own personal training business which now provides me with a full time income and my brothers are well on their way.

Luckily our mother is a strong person, and raised us the right way. Just in case you are wondering why I chose four life lessons, four is my mother’s favorite number. She was born on April 4, 1944.