Bucket list self love beauty 26 years old
Founder's Story, Love

The Next Steps on My Bucket List: 26 Things To Do Before Turning 26

bucket list self love beauty

In one of more recent articles I talked about how there were 26 Things To Do Before I Turn 26. As much as it is awesome to put together this list, its scary to continue to try new things. 10 things down, 16 to go. I recently just crossed of “Try swimming” “redesign my blog” “apply for my small business ID” and “Buy a camera and start taking professional photos.” It is crazy to me how much work can go into what I thought was just the most simple thoughts. Since this is all about turning 26 and trying new things, I figured I should share my experiences with each item crossed off and as I continue on this journey…. I have 96 days to finish this…but who is counting…..

  1. Pitch a new idea to my boss

  2. Do 1,000 crunches a week

  3. Buy a stranger a meal

  4. Capture photos of God’s beauty

  5. Go to my first ski resort

  6. Try a church other than my domination:

    I have a had a strong faith since I was little but that doesn’t mean I never questions the practices or asked questions to understand my faith more. I recently wanted to try another domination besides my own (I am Catholic). I decided to attend a Lutheran church with one of my closest friends. You get nervous trying something new, you are out of your comfort zone and unsure how will you feel accepted. I totally understand why people are scared to try new churches. It is one of those things where you have to fight the fear and take the first step into the church to understand, God just wanted you to feel welcomed. The pastor did an amazing job and tears were brought to my eyes. I still will never forget that moment of what that taught me. I still adore my faith but the experience was great to understand another domination.

  7. Write a card to a friend each month

  8. Run a marathon

  9. Try swimming:

    I am pretty sure this is one of those things you put on your list praying eventually you could make up a grand excuse as to why you needed to take it off your list. This decision was scary. I decided to reach out to a girl at work whom I knew was a swimmer and asked if she would take me and teach me how to practice swimming. I knew the basics but to actually train in pool scared me. I know there are safety measures in place, deep water signs and what have you (if you are looking for some of these elsewhere in the world, here is a UK supplier), but I was still really nervous. I won’t lie I was nervous all week and even thought of 25 reasons why I could bail on her and not have to learn. I decided that I needed to take my own leap of faith and push through it…so there I was in the locker room putting on a one piece (flattering I know), goggles and a cap. We went to the pool and she taught me how to do laps in a pool, how my arms and feet should be positions and how my breathing should be. It was such a hard work out, I had to teach my body how to react differently to this work out. I love cardio and can run for days but this was different. I now have a strong encouragement to continue to learn and strive to get better. Megan was an extreme sweetheart with her patiences and I know am excited to have her as someone to swim with.

  10. Sponsor a kid in a third world country

  11. Redesign my blog:

    My passion is my blog, helping people and making a change in their lives. I knew if I wanted to take the next step I needed to redesign my website. I spent the whole month of December 2015 working through this process. My full time job has nothing to do with an external website so I had to take youtube “How To” class, narrow down a list of 100 types of websites to one and create a site for my audience. The plans I had for December and the holiday went out the window because I spent a ton of time on this but truthfully, I am so happy to my site built for everyone.

  12. Apply for my small business ID:

    I never thought I would apply for this or have a reason to. To be honest, the day I decided to apply, I had no idea how to or how complicated it would be. It was easier than I thought, however it is scary to take the next step toward figuring out what exactly what to do with it. But that is something to do at another time.

  13. Try hot yoga:

    Oh another fear. Yoga. The exercise I always thought would be not worth even doing because I thought a work out meant cardio and lots of sweat. So I decided to try hot yoga to get a sweat and try yoga. When I injured my knee last year I was told to try yoga to help. I wasn’t sure on that idea. I finally tried it and it changed a lot of things for me. I learned it wasn’t just about the work out, which let me tell you kicked my butt, it was about what yoga teaches you during that one hour. And I really did learn a lot in just that short amount of time. Seeing as hot yoga helped me to feel better, I think I might want to attend normal yoga classes in the near future to see if I will feel the same types of benefits. I’ve heard that a company such as Avaana (Avaana.com.au) can help people to find yoga instructors in their area to allow them to feel better after taking part in this type of workout. I have to say, I’m very much looking forward to trying this type of yoga though. And if it doesn’t work, at least I know that hot yoga benefits me.

  14. Plan a medical mission trip:

    I was not blessed with being medical savvy. I was born with a very different quality however medical information is always interesting to me. After spending in Haiti I decided I needed to go back but for medical. After meeting the amazing people in Haiti I couldn’t think of anything else I would want to do. I decided to make sure that many of the people in this community get the right care they need. In July I am heading to Haiti to help lead this trip. I have been planning for a couple months now and I am excited to continue this journey.

  15. Try a barre class:

    Hot yoga was one of those exercises I did not want to try as a I stated in another bucket number….well barre was another one. Mainly because I like cardio and knew this class would something out of my comfort zone. Well I tried it and let me tell you just like hot yoga, it kicked my butt again. I love trying these new classes.

  16. Do something that scares

  17. Collaborate with other businesses to advertise Self Love Beauty

  18. Stop my nervous habit of biting my nails

  19. Visit the hometown dive bar:

    I love trying new places, fancy sometimes but other times I like to try the small hometown bars. I have been living in the same city for about two years now and have not tried the dive bar. A couple months ago, I went. All the talk about what is was like from everyone in the town and I loved it. It reminded me of my home town. Sometimes you have to do the smallest things and they are so fun!

  20. Sign up for my first conference

  21. Stand up for someone else

  22. Whale watch:

  23. This year I was lucky enough to see some whales and dolphins bopping about in their natural habitat. When I took a brief trip to San Diego, I managed to squeeze in a San Diego whale watching tour and I was not disappointed. Watching such majestic animals was the highlight of my trip. I didn’t think I would see any but went ahead anyway as I thought it would be a cool boat right but I was so wrong. I’m so glad I’ve managed to tick this off my bucket list.

  24. Do Mission Work in Haiti:

    This one is something I have wanted to do for years, God has asked me to do for years and I have continued to put it off because well it is a lot harder than it seems. I decided to use this past year as the year I would finally do mission work in Haiti. This was by far the best decision and the most humbling one to scratch off my bucket list. I have decided since then to go back two more times, one before I turn 26 and one after. Each trip has a different meaning. I look forward to spending time in Haiti again.

  25. Apologize to someone I did wrong

  26. Go on a cruise

    I am so so desperate to go on a cruise. I imagine they are the best for relaxation, and I certainly need some of that right now. There are loads of places in Europe that I would like to visit as well, like Italy and France, so I’ve been looking at last minute cruises from southampton that could take me around the continent in luxury.

  27. Buy a camera and start taking more professional photos:

    I love photos! Anyone that knows me, knows I love taking photos and showcasing memories. However normally it is on my iPhone. As I have continue to grow my site, I wanted to take photos of other people and make the stock photos being used to be more personalized. It was one of the best investment and now I am learning to take professional photos and edit them. I cannot wait to continue to deep dive into this.

  28. Collaborate with four bloggers

I am looking forward to completely this list. What are your goals? What is on your list?

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