believe in beauty self love beauty
Careers, Love, Women Empowerment

Three Women Come Together to Remind Other Women to “Believe In Your Own Beauty”

believe in beauty self love beauty
Three Bay City, Michigan companies Ferne Boutique, Tosha Cole Photography and LC Makeup Artistry came together in December of 2015 to host a Customer Appreciation event called Girls in the City. The purpose of the event was to bring ladies in for a few hours of pampering, shopping and fun. These ladies had a “Lip & Lash” bar where LC Makeup Artistry did a tune up of make up on the guests,  Ferne Boutique had in store specials and Tosha Cole Photography was the photographer for the night! Not only did these women have these amazing give a ways, they also had special guest Deb from W4DIVAS radio show and she was doing live broadcasting of the event.
 believe in beauty self love beauty
The event may have been called Girls In the City, but their big give away was called “Believe in your own Beauty.” It was an amazing giveaway that focuses on reminding women of all ages to always believe in their own beauty.
I had the opportunity to learn more about this event and collaboration from Laura Horwath, owner of Ferne Boutique.
Why did you decide to team up with two other women to put on this event?

I chose to team up with two other women to put on this event because we thought it would be a nice way for us to bring our customers a unique way to show our appreciation for their business. Our community is very important to the three of us and we wanted to have a fun get together to showcase why we do what we do every day.

Why is collaboration between women so important?

Collaborating with women is important because we really need to focus on building each other up instead of bringing each other down. So many times I have experienced women focus more on competition instead of supporting each other. This gets us nowhere. There are so many benefits to working together, I could go on for hours! It shows our customers, community members, families and bystanders that we are true genuine leaders and how much we care.

What does “Believe In Your Own Beauty” mean to you?

To me, “Believe In Your Own Beauty” means giving ourselves the opportunity to think positive, have confidence and overall truly respect ourselves. I love making other women feel good about themselves by giving genuine compliments that can instantly brighten their day. We are all beautiful and we need to remember that when our minds are filled with doubt!

Way to rock it ladies! Keep up the great work of inspiring others! Make sure to check these women out!