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How to Stay Confident After a Career Setback

We all experience  transitions and challenges within our careers. In this week’s episode, we are sitting down with Kelsey Snyder, Program Director at Lead, to talk about how to overcome career setbacks and find your confidence. Kelsey shares her story of spending 12 years in the sales and tech world before joining Lead. 

Let’s dive into the key highlights from our conversation with Kelsey!

Kelsey’s Transition from Sales to Operations

Lisa: Can you tell us about your background and career transition?

Kelsey: I started in sales, working for a big corporate tech company right out of college, making 150 calls a day. After a few years, I moved into sales management, which I really enjoyed. My husband, George, and I lived in Chicago for five years until we decided to settle down and start a family back in Michigan. Around that time, my company suggested I move into operations, which could be done remotely.

Lisa: How did the transition to operations go?

Kelsey: It was an interesting shift. I managed a global team and eventually became a director for corporate operations. This role involved a lot of learning on the go, which was a common theme in my career. I often found myself taking on roles that others suggested I might be good at, even if they were new to me.

Handling Career Setbacks

Lisa: How did you deal with career setbacks and maintain confidence?

Kelsey: As a sales manager, I had to let people go when they didn’t meet goals. Personally, I’ve been through company restructurings, which impacted me and my team. It was emotionally challenging, especially after being with the company for 12 years. I had to process the transition, often by taking long walks and reflecting on my next steps.

Lisa: Did the career setback affect your confidence?

Kelsey: Yes, it did. After receiving the news, I felt a mix of emotions. Walking helped me process these feelings. Support from colleagues and friends was crucial. Some reached out with encouraging words, and one senior leader emphasized that the setback wasn’t a reflection of my abilities.

Support System and Moving Forward

Lisa: How did your support system help you through this period?

Kelsey: Support from friends and family was invaluable. They reached out, offered advice, and provided emotional support. My friends gave me a thoughtful gift—a bottle of tequila and champagne—symbolizing the bittersweet nature of the transition and their excitement for my future.

Lisa: What advice would you give to others facing career changes?

Kelsey: It’s important to balance staying busy and taking time to reflect. Establish a routine that includes social interactions and self-care. Reach out to your network for support and advice. And most importantly, pay attention to how different opportunities make you feel and be open to new paths.

Applying for New Jobs

Lisa: How did you approach job applications after leaving your company?

Kelsey: Initially, I applied for similar roles at other companies but quickly realized that I wanted something different. I started exploring opportunities in smaller companies and nonprofits, leveraging my experience in fundraising through volunteer work. It’s important to listen to your gut and be open to different possibilities.

Final Thoughts

Lisa: Any final thoughts on career transitions?

Kelsey: Career transitions can be challenging, but they also offer opportunities for growth and new experiences. Stay true to your values, seek support from your network, and be open to where your career journey might lead.

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