Weight is not your business self love beauty
Founder's Story, Health & Fitness, Love, Self-Love

My Weight Is Not Your Business


Guest Blogger Kennedy Caldwell

I may have flaws, but they are none of your business.

Imagine having spent your entire life never worrying about your weight. You ate what you wanted to, got enough daily exercise, and everything in the world was aligned correctly. But then you’re in college and everything changes. The freshman 15 becomes a reality, and although your family and friends think you look good, you look in the mirror knowing you’ve lost control.

Gaining weight throughout these past two years of college has immensely changed my outlook on life. My friends keep telling me I’m beautiful the way I am, and I want to believe them, but I know what my body is capable of and what it can look like.

Recently, I’ve had someone rudely comment on my weight. When I heard the comment roll off of their tongue, it sent chills down my spine. I knew I noticed my weight gain, but other people had, too? This was the ultimate breaking point. He said to me “have you ever thought about taking fat-dissolving injections?”. My heart dropped. I actually spent days after reading more about them, after looking at this source I became more and more tempted. But then it hit me, why should I let this one comment control what I do with my life?! I realised I am better than that, and I stopped reading.

When you’re not comfortable in your own skin, a lot of daily tasks can be nerve wracking. Going to the store to try on clothes is not the same because you used to be a size 2, but now you’re 4 to 6 sizes bigger. Sitting at the pool or on the beach is the most uncomfortable thing in the world; you feel like everyone is staring, even if they’re not. You wear big bulky sweaters daily because you feel like it hides your flaws and nobody will notice them.

Today, I refuse to feel sad when I look in the mirror. I refuse to feel bad about myself every time I go into public. I know I am beautiful regardless of the number on the scale. I have family and friends that remind me I am more than my weight. Today, I am choosing the healthy snacks instead of the fries and milkshakes. Today, I am healthy. I am confident that I can change and will change for myself and nobody else.

To the people who feel like they’re not good enough: you are. To the people who want to change and be more confident: go do it. To the people who don’t feel beautiful: you are the most beautiful.

To the male who commented on my weight and made me feel like I was lesser of a person because of my size, and to the people who aim to bring others down about their flaws because you have your own flaws to deal with, please remember that my weight is not your business!