Women Empowerment

When Did Reporting on Two Girls Eating Hamburgers Become a Thing?


Today I had a long morning of being up since 3:30am so I decided to take a lunch break, yes that thing noone in corporate america seems to take anymore. As I opened my laptop to do check out what was going on in the media and scan my facebook, my newsfeed showcasing “Gigi Hadid And Kendall Jenner Almost Look Human Downing Burgers After VS Show” and I got mad.


Because why does the media continue to give attention to two people eating burgers? When did that become a thing to write about? Because they are models? Well my friends are pretty awesome and we just went for burgers Saturday and noone was there to take our photos.

As a blogger and a woman that has a career in PR, I am always learning more about media and frankly, I am pretty exhausted and confused. Why are we spending time on articles of two people eating burgers and who is dating who instead of making bigger splashes on topics such as Dove’s campaign on beauty or Secrets campaign on stress or Always campaign on #LikeAGirl?

Why is that even a thing?

I see companies that are known for sharing compelling stories and they follow up with two girls eating burgers? C’Mon! You are giving people all over the world mixed signals on “what is acceptable” in a society that people already have a hard time finding themselves. I say all of this because as the founder of Self Love Beauty, I struggle with just as many things as other women out there. I struggle with finding my voice, being confident in who I am, being okay that not everyone is going to like me and being okay with my body. These struggles are internal but there are many external distractions that have caused me to be confused of what to do sometimes.

I know I am just one person, but I truly believe if we want to create change we have to start by raising our voices. The Self Love Beauty community  and Selflovebeauty.com are about sharing women’s stories and by far these stories have had more impact on my life then what actress is dating each other and how models can eat burgers like all us ‘normal humans’!

The media should be filling our newsfeeds with relate able stories like women trying to empower each other, women going against the norm to make changes and women sharing their stories in the hope to help others.

So because I now starving and want to eat a hamburger because I keep talking about it. Please join me in sharing your story and reading others, if you care that much about someone eating a burger, let’s chat, I promise I can find you other stories to read.