Founder's Story, Love, Self-Love

The Day You Realize You’ll Never Have Your S#!t Together

Getting it together Self Love Beauty

Written By Contributor Writer Megan Shankland

Recently I finished my last class as an undergraduate and as the grades poured in, so did some questions.

During my four years at Central Michigan University, I was always trying to push through.

Push through the week for the weekend, push through the semester for the summer and push through the year to finally have a break. ahhh, push it!

Before I knew it, I pushed myself right through to my last final exam. So I pondered the question, where did the time go?

Truth is, it’s hard trying to balance life. It’s easier to push things off, wait until tomorrow, promise yourself things will be better next time, next semester, next year. Why was it that pulling my life together seemed to be a struggle on the daily?

After being in college for four years, I wondered, what has my four-year degree taught me?

That I’ll never have my shit together.

It’s true. Between working the part time jobs, being a full time student and trying to have a life, eventually that to-do list adds up and you find yourself having a case of the Mondays, every Monday.

Is this sounding more and more like you? Not to worry, you’re not the only one.

It was tradition for one of my professors to welcome the class and say, “I’m having one of those days!” every time we met. I began to wonder if there was ever a day she wasn’t riding the struggle bus.

It seemed Monday’s excuse was, it’s Monday, Wednesdays excuse was it’s hump day and of course Friday’s was, it’s Friday and no one wants to be working. I remember thinking, if you really try hard enough, there can be an excuse for every day of the week.

As I wondered what actually happens on a daily basis for a professor that made life so hard, I took a look at myself and realized if she’s driving the struggle bus, I’m sitting right next to her.

So why is it that we can’t pull it together?

For one, life happens—constantly and no matter how many to-do sticky notes or time slots you make in your Lily Pulitzer planner, the truth is curve balls will be thrown at you.

After all, if everyone had it together, there’d be no need for reminders, no I-over slept, or I-completely-forgot!

So what’s a girl to do if “perfection” can’t be added to her resume?

Take a deep breath and try to remember you’re human!

Keeping organized is a great way to admire your schedule on paper and a great way to plan your day. Start by gathering all your known tasks like work and school and slapping those time frames on the calendar. Then add your additional tasks like dentist’s appointments, specials events and gatherings.

As the days begin to fill up, try to fill in me-time when you can unwind and relax after a long day, you deserve it!

Secondly, pace yourself. While you can’t (and shouldn’t) skip class and work, there might be other times you can stay back and relax; like going out with friends.

Find that balance between work and play and know it’s okay to take a rain check on the bar with your buds every so often.

As far as pulling it together goes, that’s up to you. Know you’re not alone and most people, including myself, will always be having a Monday…and a Tuesday….and a Wednesday…..