Blog, Founder's Story

Ending 2018 and Walking into 2019

How do you sum up 2018 in a few words? As I write the words that come to mind are: emotional, empathy, being real, kindness, love and authentic.

I started out 2018 ready for a huge change. I wanted to move to another state, becoming even healthier than ever and pushing my dreams with my company. I also wanted to spend more time with those I loved.

After a few months, my thoughts changed. I no longer wanted to move far away. I learned how much I loved the town I live in and the people I am surrounded by. I learned that it isn’t always about the geography but more about the community you have around you. I learned that health is something I will always try to get better at but it is up to ME to really make that change both mentally and physically. I learned to value all relationships in my life and to spend time nurturing them because at the end of the day those connections mean so much.

2018 started off with big dreams and it ended with even bigger dreams.

2018 brought me:

  • Faith: An up and down relationship with my faith because of the tests I was faced with only to come out stronger than ever. This included joining my first ever bible study group with some outstanding women. I highly suggest using the bible app.
  • Work: The learning that you cannot please everyone and that is okay, that work and email will always be there so do not sacrifice moments with friends and family, that you have to decide your path and what success means to you; you cannot let others define that for you.
  • New family member: On my vision board for a year was to add a puppy to my life. After a spontaneous decision, I picked up a ‘discount puppy’ named Denver who has taught me to be a little more of an adult (and that puppy cuddles and runs are the best).
  • Self Love Beauty: We grow so much impactful when we have a community supporting us. We impacted more than 50,000 people in 2018 and I cannot wait to impact more in 2019!
  • Family: A stronger bond with my family and two beautiful nephews that I cannot wait to watch grow. Being called ‘Aunt Lisa’ has been such a blessing.
  • Friendships: I have kept many amazing friendships (so grateful!), watched many of them fall in love and gained some extremely awesome new friendship that I cannot wait to make lastly as well.
  • Health and Fitness: I completed my 2nd marathon, gained new running partners but most importantly I learned two things: 1. comparing your journey to others will get you know where 2. You have to find what works for you and stop fitting the mold of what works for others
  • Emotions: Many laughs, many many tears and lots of moments of making decisions. It was a very up and down year, where I learned a ton about myself including how to be strong both physically and mentally
  • Self-Love: I grew in my self-love journey to have more confidence in who I am, how to stand up for myself and how to say what I feel regardless if I am scared of how it will turn out
  • Be Me: Lastly, how being ‘me’ is the best thing I can be

Looking into 2019, I am excited for SO many things. Wondering what my 2019 goals are? I think you will just have to watch our blog to learn more!

Remember goals are extremely important but so is looking back at far you have come!

If you are looking to learn how to set your goals for 2019, you have come to the right place. Email us at [email protected] and we can work 1:1 with you to make them happen.