falling in love after break up self love beauty
Founder's Story, Love, Relationships, Self-Love

Falling In Love After A Break Up



Break ups are very hard. Either party of the mix feels some emotion they isn’t always fun. When people think about falling in love again after a break up, sometimes it seems impossible. However, one thing people don’t realize is that

“Sometimes falling in love after a break up doesn’t mean with someone else, it sometimes means with falling in love with your life.”

I think there are two ways to fall in love after a break up, either with your new life or with someone else. Maybe both sound impossible right now if you have just ended it with someone or maybe your praying that you won’t have to deal with either one because eventually your hoping you and your partner will get back together. I’ve been there. I have been there a couple times. It seems crazy to move on after a break up. Through the crying, anger, sadness and craziness of making it through the day without them seems impossible.

After my first break up I never thought I would move on. After months of tears, overthinking and figuring out what I wanted, I moved on. It took me picking up my own pieces and putting them back together. It took eight long months before I was ready to fall in love with my life again. My break up taught me to be determined in my goals and to go after the things I wanted in life that I put on hold because of someone else. It was never his choice to hold me back but I allowed myself to be held back instead.

“Live every moment, love beyond words and laugh every day.”

So how did you do it?

You find the strength inside of you that you didn’t know you had.  You give the time you need to cope then you make a list of all the things you want out of life and you make them happen. You use this part of your life as a stepping stone for the next best thing.

You make time for friends you didn’t before

You take the photography class you have been thinking about

You hike the grand canyon

You laugh and drink to much wine with friends

You go back to school for that masters degree you have been thinking about

For me, I used my break ups as time to focus on myself and what I really wanted. Eventually the right guy will come your way, but in the meantime take care of what you can.


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December 30, 2013

Wow, this is so true. I loved reading this, my ex and I broke up 6 months ago after a 4 year relationship. And I still cry.. Sometimes it’s so hard, but indeed you have to get through and do things.
Maybe we can follow each other?

Kisses, x

Lisa Thompson

December 30, 2013

I’m glad you enjoyed reading this! I am always up for talking or giving advice. I think we all go through these things but in different versions. I am sorry to hear about your break up but like I said it’s sometimes about finding ourselves through the break ups that help the most!


December 30, 2013

Indeed, but now with the holidays it’s extra difficult for me, because all my sisters (younger) have a boyfriend and they’re doing the same things here at home that I did with my bf a while ago… So it’s a bit hard to watch..