Confidence, Empowerment, Personal Growth, The Confident Podcast

Finding Your Zone of Genius: How to Build Confidence in the Things You’re Good At

Confidence is all about the belief we have in our skills and abilities. However, we often  focus on all the things we are not good at, which affects the confidence we have in ourselves. Studies show we spend about 80% of the time focused on weakness and only 20% on our strengths. That is not okay.

When you are utilizing your strengths how does that feel? Are you happier? Is it easier for you? So why don’t we do this all the time?  In this week’s episode, we dive into the concept of the Zone of Genius and how we can use it to utilize our strengths and talents effectively. Here are a few key takeaways from the episode.

What are the 4 Zones?

The concept of Zone of Genius comes from the work of Gay Hendricks, a psychologist and author of The Big Leap. Hendricks defines four zones – Zone of Incompetence, Zone of Competence, Zone of Excellence, and Zone of Genius –  where we can place our skills and talents and suggests that we gain more fulfillment and happiness when we spend more time on activities in our Zone of Genius. The four zones are explained as follows:

  • Zone of Incompetence: These are the things you do that you’re not that great at doing. Probably because you don’t pay that much attention, they bore you or you’re just not suited to them. Spending time in this zone can be draining and unproductive. It’s important to delegate or avoid tasks in this zone whenever possible to focus on areas where you excel.
  • Zone of Competence: In this zone, you possess skills that you’re decent at, but they’re not your strongest suit. You can perform these tasks adequately, but they don’t necessarily bring you joy or fulfillment. While it’s necessary to handle some tasks in this zone, spending too much time here can prevent you from focusing on activities that align better with your strengths and passions. 
  • Zone of Excellence: The Zone of Excellence is where you excel and outperform the majority of people. You’re highly skilled and competent in these areas, and your work may be recognized and rewarded. However, despite your proficiency, you might not feel truly fulfilled or satisfied. This zone can be comfortable, but it may not fully tap into your unique talents and passions.
  • Zone of Genius: The Zone of Genius is where you unleash your full potential and experience a sense of flow and fulfillment. In this zone, you’re operating at your highest level, leveraging your innate talents, passions, and skills. Time seems to fly by, and you feel deeply engaged and energized by the work you’re doing. Identifying and spending more time in your Zone of Genius can lead to greater success, satisfaction, and overall well-being.

Finding Your Zone of Genius

The Zone of Genius is the areas where you  excel the most and feel most fulfilled. It’s the intersection of what you love to do, what you’re great at, and what brings you joy. Identifying your zone of genius involves understanding where these three elements intersect and recognizing the activities or roles where you can leverage your talents and skills in alignment with your passions. When you operate within your zone of genius, work feels effortless, and you’re more likely to experience flow—the state of being fully immersed and focused in what you’re doing. It is the BEST feeling! 

By understanding both your zone of genius and your strengths, you can align your efforts with activities and roles that allow you to thrive and make the greatest impact. 

Download Our Worksheet to Help You Find Your Zone of Genius

Sometimes it takes time to find your zone of genius, but we’re here to help you get started! Sign up to receive a FREE one-pager on how to find your zone of genius and put action steps behind it!

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