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How to Rewire Your Brain for Success

In this week’s episode of The Confident Podcast, host Lisa Tarkington is joined by Avani Jain, Podcaster, Investor, & CEO at Matcha Design Labs. Together, they dive into strategies for confidently rewiring your brain for success. Lisa and Avani share empowering insights on how to reshape your mindset to overcome challenges and feelings of inadequacy so you can pursue your goals with confidence.

Let’s dive into the key highlights from our conversation with Avani!

Avani's Journey

Lisa: When you think about rewiring your brain, where did that come from and why is it important for people to do that?

Avani: I’ve always been interested in it. I’ve read books since I was young about the subconscious mind and understanding how that is what drives our brain and what we do and the realities we create every single day. The conscious mind is just like the tip of the iceberg, and this is a subconscious that drives how we operate, and so I’ve been reading and interested in this for a long time.

Lisa:  I think it’s fascinating. And so last year you said that things were kind of crumbling for you. What was in your mind and what did you have to do to rewire it to get to where you are right now?

Avani: I had the dialogue in my mind for many months I think where I kept saying to myself “I don’t know what I’m doing with my life.” I literally said it to my friends, I said to my husband, to really anyone that I was talking to about this shift that I was experiencing. I was losing clients, I was losing team members. In the history of my business we’ve been profitable and if we had a down month, we turned it around the next month. But that’s not what happened last year. And so it was a hit to the ego, a hit to my confidence, and I was just like wait, maybe I’m not cut out for this anymore.

Lisa: How many times in our lives have we heard other people say that? I’ve felt that before. There are so many people that feel that way.

Avani: It’s just such a human experience to get into a place and you feel like what is it for? You don’t know how the dots connect anymore, and I think part of that is we change all the time, and sometimes we’re changing, but the things we’re working are not changing, and so suddenly you have this weird experience where you’re a completely different person, and that’s kind of where what happened to me. I was like wait, I don’t want to show up to clients anymore. I suddenly had many, many clients that were thrust on me. I had to be in full meeting days. I don’t want to do this anymore. Why am I even doing this anymore? And so this dialogue kept going on and on in my mind, and the things that helped me the most were creating a space for quiet and just silencing all the noise. Journaling was something I did very intentionally because once I recognized the dialogue of I don’t know what I’m doing with my life is actually not who I am. 

Future Pacing to Rewire the Brain

Lisa:  Can you give us an example of either something that you wrote down or something that someone could write down to help with that framing?

Avani: One of the things I really wanted to bring into reality was space in my day, because I was feeling like I didn’t have space. Space in my day because I was feeling like I didn’t have space and I was struggling to find that space for myself. With obligations that I had, you know, running our household, other things that we were working on, travel just and and work stuff too, it was a lot and I felt like there was a lot that was required of me. So I started future pacing, talking about my days. My days feel spacious, my days feel expansive. I have room for fun and room for things for myself. Every single day I wake up and I don’t feel rushed. I feel really spacious as I’m starting out. My day and my meetings only start after my lunch, after I’ve done my workout, after I’ve taken care of myself, and it feels so good.

Overcoming Fear & Finding Purpose

Lisa:  When you’re rewiring your brain to be more confident or just anything, how have you overcome the fear that might come out with these types of things? It’s very easy to get into that negative spiral. So, what have you done to make sure that you overcome those obstacles?

Avani: The crazy thing is, and I’m realizing that more and more, is if your fear is stopping you from going and doing the thing that you know you need to do, that you really want to do, that means your why isn’t big enough. That means you don’t have strong enough conviction to do that thing. It’s not strong enough, can’t withstand all of the things that your monkey brain tells you every single day. 

So if that’s happening to you, you have to go back to your purpose.

Get Avani’s Free Notion Journaling Template

Need help getting started on rewiring your brain and finding your purpose? Click here to get Avani’s free notion journaling template that will take you step by step through the process!

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